text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: and Now I can't Sleep

My eternal quest for a hobby

Thursday, November 02, 2006

and Now I can't Sleep

I keep thinking about Edie and Papa Jim and how we used to hang out on their patio in the summer or in their living room in the winter and it makes me sad that this will just be a memory from now on. Plus my nose is plugged from cold and that makes sleeping harder. Plus, Ellis is a bed hog like his dad. I should really be sleeping as Ellis is no longer nap boy. There is far too much excitement going on to sleep - come on! He's really discovered his hands and with this comes the awareness that I'm a separate person that can go to a different room, which seems to annoy him and he screams till I come back and watch him play. I try to tell him that I used to be able to entertain myself, but this doesn't seem to work. He's also learning new louder screams. One cute thing is that his free hand tends to stroke my back when he's nursing. It's very comforting. I saw Susan and Dominic yesterday - Dominic is very advanced - his latest thing is sticking out his lower lip to pout - I hadn't realized that this is a learned behaviour (I'm not sure when Ellis started doing it - I had just assumed he'd done it all along) until Susan mentioned that Dominic had just started this tactic. It is very cute. Dominic smiles a lot - I keep pointing this out to Ellis. Actually, Ellis was Mr. Smiley yesterday in our classs and did seem quite interested in Dominic.

I think I'm going to find a new baby carrier this morning - Baby Bjorn is back killer and Ellis does not seem to tolerate the sling as much anymore - his little feet do the uh, uh, uh thing - pushing to get out.


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