text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Ellis is Helping with this One

My eternal quest for a hobby

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ellis is Helping with this One

So it may be short as he wants to go play and doesn't want to sit in front of the computer. Yesterday we went to visit Elizabeth, Graham and Justin (actually, Ellis might be getting into this blog thing as black squiggles are appearing from no where, which is quite exciting). It's amazing how much a kid can change in 5 months - Justin was completely different and a very good dancer. Ok, now Ellis is dragging things off the table and chucking them on the ground - he is gifted! Ok, he's in the swing now. After Liz's house we came home - I was going to go for a run, but for some reason it didn't happen. I think it was cause I had to entertain Ellis while Cyp napped. Then we went for chinese food - dad asked about high speed internet - DSL or cable? Is it going to actually happen? Today we went for breakfast at a new place - pretty good, slightly more reasonable than where we have been going (our old greasy spoon got replaced by a shoe store). Then we hung out till 1 which is when we went to the botanical garden for a halloween scavenger hunt. I think Ellis was the smallest kid there, but I had fun. We collected stamps at different stops. It was another beautiful day, if slightly blustery. Cyp was grump again about not being able to complete any work tasks, but afterwards admitted that he'd had a good time. Hmm. Now he's getting lots done and I'm cooking a pumpkin so I can make pumpkin pie or maybe pumpkin pecan torte. Might be the torte as I have all the ingredients. Ooh - I see Ellis passed out in the swing! It was an exhausting day (I think I'm going to wear out the exersaucer pretty darn quick - I also discovered it's an excellent laxative.


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