text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: I'm Slightly Bored

My eternal quest for a hobby

Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm Slightly Bored

So I'm blogging - yes it is for people with nothing better to do. Today Ellis slept till 9 - only because we put our clocks back (it was really 10). He got up, we played a bit and then yes - it was exciting grocery shopping time. Off we went, Ellis got to shop in the bjorn - he had a great time staring at all the exciting products. His little arms and legs were pumping like crazy and he was chatting a fair bit. Then we came home, sat around a bit trying to kill time till storytime at the library. I couldn't take that very long so we decided to go downtown and run and errand and then go to storytime. I picked up some lightbulbs for Cyp's special lamp and then walked to the library. Ellis and I killed some time in the library looking at books (actually Ellis was sleeping in the sling) until it was time to go to Storytime. At 15 minutes to storytime, I went to the designated area and woke Ellis up. We had a prime spot as there was no one else there. Ellis was looking fairly adorable and was staring intently at the sling - he was actually staring and touching! A new skill - touching with the intent purpose of seeing what something feels like. At about 5 to 1, one women roamed into the storytime area with her stroller - I asked her is she was here for storytime, she said no - she was just wandering. Hmmm. Where was everybody? She went to ask and came back to tell me that there was no storytime for 2 weeks. Well, at least it got us out the house. I quickly walked to the bus stop so I could catch the bus on my old transfer and we went home. This was the first time Ellis was awake and not grumpy on the bus. He was fairly intrigued by the moving room. At one point, the bus stopped for a bit and the driver sat (as I guess he was ahead of schedule). I always find this extremely annoying and I guess Ellis takes after me another way because he started to scream his little head off. I think everyone should have thanked Ellis cause the driver started to drive as soon as Ellis started to scream. Ellis promptly stopped screaming when the bus started going again. Yay Ellis. We picked up some vap milk on the way home and I made pumpkin pie with the pumpkin that I cooked last night. In the middle we had a visit from the roots of empathy coordinator who came by to meet Ellis. Ellis is going to be the star of a grade 3 classroom for the next 9 months. Then I got dinner ready and I'm waiting for Cyp to get home - hurry up Cyp, I'm hungry and bored.


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