text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Birthday Party

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, October 20, 2006

Birthday Party

We woke up this morning and decided we better go check on granny. So we got absolutely everything ready that we needed for the day and were off. I packed some lunch fixings for granny as she did not seem to have much at her house. We got there just as the nurse was leaving thank god as nurse was most reassuring. Yes, granny is not doing well, but nurse would send other nurses on the weekend to check up on granny. Granny seemed better to us. She had just finished breakfast so I told her that I had put some mixed up salmon in the fridge and had put bread out on the counter for a sandwich and then we sat and talked for a bit. Granny then decided she wanted lunch now (basically the point when Ellis was starting to get grumpy). So I managed to cobble together sandwich and tea while Ellis wiggled and squwacked. Then we were off after giving granny instructions about what to do in an emergency (please not to call HCW). It was Genevieve's first birthday (man time flies) and we had a great time - who wouldn't when there is chocolate cake involved. It was another beautiful sunny day and it was nice to have an afternoon party. We were next off to Ihli's house (gotta entertain little Ellis when dad is out of town). Went for sushi and rented V for Vendetta - not at all what I was expecting and we didn't get to see the end anyway.


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