text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Another Way Ellis Takes After Me

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Another Way Ellis Takes After Me

Perhaps this is a case of too much information, but Ellis is now seeming to store up his poops so he can have a massive blowout after a few days. I was starting to get worried again as he hadn't gone in a few days and he had very stinky bum burps (this is apparently the non-rude way to refer to farts). He also seemed a tad crankier than normal, so I was thinking he was a bit constipated. As I was nursing him last night, he let out a very stinky bum burp (at least that is what I thought it was until i noted that the bum burp had leaked onto my hands). I passed him off to daddy who was now in high alert mode and he rushed him to his change table where I heard lots of groaning and ewing. I went to investigate and it was indeed a massive blowout and slightly more like brown paste as opposed to runny mustard that it has been in the past - perhaps Ellis's digestive system is getting to be more efficient. Not sure if that is a good thing as his poops certainly stink more. Ellis was much more happy after this and smiled a lot last night.

Night followed a fairly good day. It started out kinda dull as our plans to meet up with Tracey and Emilie fell through and I was at a loss as to what to do. I started cleaning things that normally do not get cleaned (the swinging saloon doors in the dining room) so it's fairly evident I was bored. I knocked on NB's door and thank god she was in as it was nice to talk to an adult. Ellis started to crank though, so I had to bring him home for a nap. At this point Gaby called (yay Gaby) as I was starting to go nuts and was thinking I was going to have to find another new hobby. Ellis sleeps too much (I know I'm going to regret that statement). Ellis and I then went to great grandma's for lunch, but got kicked out after short order as granny was tired. As I was driving home though my spirits started to lift as it was another gorgeous fall day - the mountains and city looked spectacular so I decided to detour to the beach to go for a walk. I had the cursed baby bjorn in the car, but I figured my back could take it as it was feeling better. Ellis and I got out and I can tell he was pleased with the spontaneity of his mom - his little arms and legs were wagging. I quickly got him into the bjorn and off we went. He loved it - I wish I could have seen his face, but he kept making little squealing noises and waving his arms and legs. He got lots of smiles from the people walking towards us. I did not want to come home but the sun started to go down so I knew we should head back. The trees and Ocean were sending endorphins through both me and Ellis. We got back to the car and I put Ellis in the car seat - he was not a happy camper now - he did not want to get back in the car and screamed the entire way home. The screaming continued basically the rest of the night - Cyp got to take care of him as it was choir night. I got Ellis settled down before I left and then passed him off. I came home two hours later to a frantic daddy running the baby bath and an equally frantic Ellis laying on the bath mat screaming his little head off. I took Ellis off Cyp's hands and nursed the extremely frantic little guy whose body was literally heaving with sobs. Ellis had gone for a walk with Cyp and a friend that night and confirmed to friend why she didn't really like kids. I don't know - it really is true what they say, it makes a difference when it's your kid. Even when I came home and was walking outside our place and could hear screaming coming from within I still couldn't wait to see little Ellis. It made my heart break and soar at the same time to see him sobbing on the bath mat with that look on his face - mommy save me. Poor daddy - Ellis will soon be looking forward to seeing his dad too.


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