text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Granny Not Doing so Well

My eternal quest for a hobby

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Granny Not Doing so Well

Got a call from Mary this morning - she was wondering if we could come look after granny while she got some of her own things done, so Cyp, Ellis and I headed off (with our laundry as we might as well multitask). Granny was in bed so we sent Mary off. I puttered around for a bit, Cyp took Ellis outside and then decided to go get Nando's for lunch, I managed to get granny out to the kitchen so we could eat and when we were done, Rona (new HCW) came over and so did nurse Eva. Eva changed Granny's dressings and was quite relieved that she now had 24 hour care. Eva also told me about a great baby carrier (so I don't have to break down and get a stroller), called a Mei Tei. We left granny in Rona's capable hands and came home where I whipped up some garlic bread so we could head off to Barb and Ross's for dinner. We had a great time (a much needed break for Cyp who got to let loose a little and talk with Ross). Sue and Bob were also there and it was great to see Esme running around - I can't believe how much she's changed, she was running here and there and seemed like a little girl as opposed to a baby. Sue and Bob also kindly lent us Esme's exersaucer - yay! Another toy to placate Ellis with. Ellis amazingly slept most of the night - how unusual, maybe he's turning over a new leaf, or maybe it was the before dinner glass of wine.


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