text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: I'm Going to Have to Get Better at Taking Pictures

My eternal quest for a hobby

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm Going to Have to Get Better at Taking Pictures

You'll note that there is a lack of pics on our blog - that is because I cannot handle all the crap I have to take with me and manage to take pics too. I guess if I had a stroller...

I may have to break down and get a stroller, my back is not very good. I blame the baby bjorn which Ellis seems to now love, so not sure if I could put him in a stroller even if I wanted. In fact, when I try to take him out of the bjorn and put him in the car seat he screams bloody murder. He used to like the car seat. I also have to admit that I haven't been tightening it as much as I should as the slightest tightening usually triggers the endless wailing. I do find if I crank the music that he will stop crying.

Yesterday was a nice productive day, I got a birthday present for Genevieve, went to mom postnatal class (and learned about the evils of acetominophen - oh my god, I've poisoned Ellis's little liver, it will never be the same), did the grocery shopping, went for a walk and made turkey dinner. Also, Ellis slept most of the day. That was a good day. I hope we get as much done today - I think it should be good as it is mommy group day.


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