text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Camera Broken

My eternal quest for a hobby

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Camera Broken

So I can't take pictures even if I wanted. It's been a busy couple of days and I think I'm starting to pay for it. We got a phone call from grandma's home care helper on Thursday morning asking if we could come stay with grandma as she was feeling panicky (her legs were leaking). I had already made some plans for the day but said I would go over for a bit. So I woke Ellis up, packed him into the car and we were off. We got there and knocked on the door for a bit and grandma finally answered. She did not seem that well and couldn't hear anything i had to say. I stayed for a bit - just as we were leaving, her home care worker (HCW) called me and asked if I could basically stay all day - I said no, I couldn't at which point the knocker on the door went and Ellis started screaming. I asked home worker to wait, I went to the door, it was the gardener - here to trim the trees. He needed me to move my car - I looked at Ellis, I looked at the gardener, I put a screaming Ellis on the floor and went to go move my car when I remembered phone - ah yes. I went to talk to HCW who asked me if I could at least make Granny lunch so that when she woke up she might not be as disoriented as usual. I said yes - I should have cancelled my plans. I quickly hung up on HCW and went to move my car. Then I came back, put Ellis in sling and walked around outside with gardener while he went over the trees he was going to trim - as if I had any clue whatsoever. We stood near granny's bedroom window and discussed the dead tree just outside it. We decided to leave it for privacy. When I went back in, the first thing granny said to me was "make sure the gardener doesn't cut down the tree outside my window. I have a sneaking suspicion that granny heard us talking (after spending the morning not hearing anything I said). I assured her he wouldn't, then I went and looked for lunch fixings. Couldn't find much, so I hacked up a cantaloupe, some grapes and found half a two day old sandwich (I took out the wilty lettuce) that I arranged on a plate and then I was out of there. Drove home, grabbed everything from the car (including Ellis - no I didn't forget him) and ran for the bus. I was only 5 minutes late for my lunch date with Deirdre. We ate and then I was off again to mommy drop in. Ellis hadn't eaten in a while and the bus ride back was touch and go, but I managed to distract him just enough so he didn't have full on wailing (I'm still not at the stage of breastfeeding on the bus). Ellis weighed 15 pounds 14.4 ounces (I guess he hasn't slowed down). He was pretty well behaved until the speaker started to speak - then it was lose it time. I didn't stay long at drop in, I went and got curry in our tiffin for dinner and walked home (where we almost got squished by a car). Got home just as Cyp did - he didn't have time to eat dinner as he had to go the airport. So we were back in the car again and off. On the way home, Ellis and I stopped at granny's where we fed her a tin of soup and put her to bed. I noted that she didn't eat her cantaloupe or grapes. Then we came home and ate our curry, watched Survivor and Grey's Anatomy and went to bed. Phew.


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