text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Punkin Patch

My eternal quest for a hobby

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Punkin Patch

It's choir concert day so I had a rehearsal in the morning at 10. It's another gorgeous day and I would have liked to walk downtown over the bridge, but it didn't happen as I had to move the car so Anita could park and I was basically feeding Ellis up until it was time to go. Rehearsal was good and ended early, although I stayed to hear a bit of what the second half would sound like - Vaughn Williams - something about Talis. It was pretty - should think about going to get it. I was antsy though and got up before they started playing the Part. I got home and Ellis was sleeping - darn! Should have stayed to listen, but we had other plans, so that was ok. We headed out to the Pumpkin Patch and met up with Sue, Bob and Esme and their mommy friends. It was a zoo but a fun zoo, got to go on a wagon ride and pick out some pumpkins. Even got to nurse while sitting on a pumpkin. Must be nice to have food appear magically whenever you want it. Got a call from HCW - nurse had said that granny needs 24 hour watching, so I said yes please can you find someone to do it and got a call from HCW manager who was going to find someone. Anita brought over dinner and I went to concert, which went well, came home and Ellis was resting - Cyp walked Anita to her car, I fed Ellis a bit and then we went to bed. You can probably tell from the way this one is written that it was a fairly hectic day.


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