text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: I'm Stubborn

My eternal quest for a hobby

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm Stubborn

I know it. Today we woke up to the sound of downpouring rain. In fact, it seemed like it poured all night. Needless to say, Sue called to say that she and fam were going to pass on the Apple Festival outing that we had planned for the day. I agreed - it was too wet. So the morning passed by, I puttered but soon got kinda bored (I think Ellis did too). We got two movies from NB to watch, but this did not make me happy. I needed to get out, so at around 1:30 I suggested that perhaps we could drive over to the apple festival, walk around a bit just to get out of the apartment for a while. Cyp agreed and we gathered the enormous amount of stuff that we seem to need when we leave the house these days and set out. Cyp didn't bring the camera, so I should have known he was not happy with my plan. We got to the fest, I parked and we slung Ellis in the sling and set out walking. Ellis started screaming his head off and was furiously munching on his fist (I had asked him if he was hungry before we set out and he emphatically screamed that he was not, but now it appears he was). So, as soon as we set foot on the festival grounds, we turned around and headed back to Cyp's office. Ellis had passed out by the time we got to Cyp's office so I then wondered if I should wake him up to feed him. I decided yes, but I didn't really have to, he nursed while sleeping. Cyp furiously pounded away on his computer - I asked what was wrong and he said "I have a lot to do, I have a presentation on Thursday." Why he didn't mention this before we left the house, I'll never know, but he calmed down when I pointed out that I don't get out of the apartment much anymore so I really need to get out on the weekends. He agreed that the apple fest had always been in our plans, so we decided to head back for a bit before heading home. I'm glad we did. Ellis seemed to enjoy it and I did. We got to have hot apple cider, apple pie and we even taste tested a few apples before deciding to buy the Elstar variety. Sonata was all sold out for this year. Too bad we didn't have the camera - Ellis was extremely cute.

We got home and relaxed for a bit before heading to Grandma's for dinner. Ellis was highly entertaining. At one point, Cyp was playing with him on the carpet and then got up to move away. Ellis yelled "hey, where are you going?" in Ellis speak, Cyp went back and Ellis smiled. This sucked Cyp in so much that he kept going on about it all night. This morning, Cyp did not want to go to work - he wanted to stay and play with Ellis.


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