text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Why no Blogging? Bad Week and Bad Doctor

My eternal quest for a hobby

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why no Blogging? Bad Week and Bad Doctor

Yes, Ellis, Cyp and I had a bad week. It started out good - Ellis and I managed to be awake and quite alert for a library storytime that actually took place and on Tuesday we got to meet Esther and Danica for lunch. I even managed to take the camera in, but it turns out it was not broken - just a faulty battery. Of course when Ellis and I got home again, it didn't work again - maybe that was the start of things going downhill. On Wednesday we met up with Tracey and Emilie and their mommy friends at the aquarium. That was pretty fun too. Then we had our pediatrician appointment to check out Ellis's vision. That's when things went to hell.
It started out ok - Ellis was smiling more and he could track a blue pepsi can and his physical turned out ok (all reflexes worked - yay!) but then the doctor mentioned that his right eye seemed to be crossing, which was worth an eye checkup with the specialist. Then the pediatrician started asking alarming questions, mainly had I or Cyp ever shaken Ellis! He then told me that Ellis would have to see another pediatrician at Children's Hospital where they would ask me similar questions and also see an ophthalmologist. Thursday morning I got a phone message from the ped dr. stating that Ellis and I had an appointment with the Child Protection Agency! I was not feeling very good at this point to say the least. Neighbour Barb, who had much better things to do, offered to come to the hospital with me, and I'm very glad she did. I felt like the big criminal at the hospital - we went to see the eye dr. first who seemed very nice and who told me that Ellis had perfect vision. I managed to get the question "is there any way you can tell that Ellis has not been shaken?" to which he replied no, but he did note that it was a concern from the letter sent by the ped. dr. I then got paged to take Ellis to radiology where he had a CT scan. They were going to give him a general anaesthetic, but I managed to get him to sleep. It was truly awful. The next day on Friday, Cyp and I had a trial with yet another doctor, a social worker from the ministry and someone else (not sure who the third person was). They basically told me that they opened up the clinic to see us as if we hadn't gotten through all the tests by the weekend, the ministry of children's affairs could have taken Ellis from us for the weekend. This is all because of my crazy family dr. She's a freak! We passed our trial and got to keep the little guy. I will be writing a letter to my family doctor as she is the one who initiated the whole trial. It's also time to find a new doctor.


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