text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Dad's Away and All Goes to Pot

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dad's Away and All Goes to Pot

I can't even remember what day Cyp left - Tuesday I think and it's now Friday. Ellis and I just try to make it through the day without keeling over from exhaustion. For some reason, he's still sleeping this morning (it's 11 am). Yesterday was a marathon of a day. We got up, did two loads of laundry, took the car in, brought the car home, baked a chocolate cake from scratch, went to our drop in, went for coffee, went shopping, came home, scarfed dinner, iced a cake, went shopping again...

At 7:30 Ellis had had enough and he lost it big time (poor guy has a cold and is teething, I think). Our house looked like a chocolate bomb had gone off so I went next door and gave a shrieking Ellis to NB (whose birthday it was). She mercifully took the little guy and he went almost instantly to sleep. Managed to watch most of survivor while NB held Ellis and talked on the phone. Waited for Grandma to come over at 10 (to try on a hat she had bought for Ellis - didn't fit) and then we both crashed. This is probably why he is still asleep. I've gotten lots done again this morning!

Walked home from Wednesday class on Wed - that was a long walk! Also went for a walk with our new found neighbours on the other side - Anna Maria and Francesca (who is 6 weeks old tomorrow). Babies are great helpers in the friends department!

Daddy's home tonight - hooray, my wrist is just about ready to quit working all together, Ellis was a hefty 16 and a half pounds yesterday at drop in.


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