text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: What is With this Weather

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What is With this Weather

Well, Ellis and I had a great day yesterday (as opposed to Tuesday, when he seemed a tad touchy). His personality is really starting to come out, although I still can't describe it. It does seem like he is a very keen observer. He's so busy looking around, he forgets to smile. Anyhoo, I woke up Wednesday morning on a mission - I was going to get my shower in (I had to, they were turning off the water to our building at 9 due to the construction going on across the street). So when Ellis woke up at 9, I was ready to get on with the day. We decided to go for a walk - Ellis went into the baby bjorn outward facing (a new experiment). I think he loved it, although who knows, I couldn't see his face, but every once in a while, I'd stop and look in a car door window and he would stare back. I think he managed to spy a squirrel, although he could just have been looking at the interplay of the light in the tree the squirrel was sitting in. He was very unhappy to come inside, but we were soon off again to postpartum class. Today's discussion was on "ECing" or Elimination Communication (i.e. going diaper free). Ok, call me crazy, but I might try it. She made it sound easy. Perhaps that will be next week's project. There was another nutty mom there who claims her 3 month old said mommy the other day. I really wanted to jump up and down and say "oh yah? well, Ellis here rolled from front to back twice two weeks ago!" but I kept my competitive mommy mouth shut. It was hard though. Man, I'm turning into one of those moms. We then went to see our hairdresser, Ian. Ellis, seemed to really like Ian and smiled a lot at him. This could be a turning point in the smile area as he also smiled a lot at NB later. Ian said Ellis had a very good hair line (what else is he going to say?)I think he also really took a good look at Stanley today - this was something I said I was looking forward to in the our class today and then he did it! Maybe it's just my overactive mommy competition gene again.
We were fed dinner by NB again and we went over to watch ANTM. Thanks NB. I woke up at 4 am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so got some errands done. Ellis slept like a little angel in bed completely unswaddled and on his own. Another first. Perhaps tonight he'll let me try to sleep through the regular 4 am feeding again.


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