text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: A Day for Cyp

My eternal quest for a hobby

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Day for Cyp

Today we went to the Reifel Island Bird Sanctuary. Whenever we're wondering what to do on the weekend, Cyp pipes up "we could go to the Reifel Island Bird Sanctuary." I'm usually unwilling to go as it is a fairly long drive, but Ellis was starting to fuss today and the thought of putting him into a car seat and not having to hold him for a while sounded good. I'm a mean mummy. My back is killing me though. I didn't realize hauling the 15 pound tubber around in the baby bjorn would have this effect, but one shoulder is no longer functional (or so it feels). It was pretty cold yesterday and Ellis did not seem to be enjoying the birds. I was basically running to find the next bench to sit on so I keep feed him while he screamed his head off. Finally, I was sitting at a bench and the ducks found me. They were making a racket so Ellis pulled off and had this inquisitive look on his face - what't that? He then started to smile, yes, dogs barking and ducks quacking seem to make him smile. So I pointed his face in the general direction of the ducks and I think he saw them. This seemed to make him forget that he was cold (and therefore wanting to nurse for comfort) and we managed to go for a bit of a walk and Cyp could take some pictures. Ellis then decided he liked the tress better and stared upwards for the rest of the walk (the trees tend to grow over the path at the sanctuary). I think he did see some little chickadee type birds though and his little face was saying "what the heck was that?" On the way home we stopped at fruit winery and taste tested some fruit wines. Of course, we then had to buy some - white current and blackberry. They will probably sit in our cupboard for years. We went of for dinner with Nick, Sharon, Imogen and Genevieve. We went to a little sushi takeout place that had been recommended to me as our normal place was closed due to a fire. The place was a little more takeout than I thought it would be, but it was actually pretty good sushi wise (at least I thought so, but Cyp was annoyed he couldn't get sake or a beer) and as we were the only ones actually eating in the place, we could make as much noise as we wanted. We walked home, watched a bit of tv and passed out again by 10.


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