text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Last Day of Market

My eternal quest for a hobby

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Last Day of Market

It was the last Farmer's Market for the year so off we went with Neighbour Barb and her friend Krista. It was another gorgeous fall day. I couldn't cope with the hordes at the market and didn't buy much but it was nice to observe the last day of market frenzy. Ellis took a disliking to Barb's car for some reason - I think he just wanted to be outside. We later went to change a lightbulb at great grandma's (she doesn't seem to be doing too well - her hip is bothering her) and then we went to hang out with Elizabeth - thanks Elizabeth - you kept us out and about during fussy time. We drove around the city for a bit while Ellis napped - Elizabeth's favourite pastime (going for a road trip that is). Managed to get Ellis to go to sleep at 8, but then I foolishly tried to read in bed at 9 which woke Ellis up. Got him to sleep again but then the darn phone rang at 10. It was great grandma with a silly question. Oh well, I was very annoyed at first, but he went back to sleep fairly readily. Dreamt again. Turns out hubby isn't bald - he actually shaves his head to prevent his fro from growing in and apparently, hubby has another daughter that he's been keeping from me. Hmmm.


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