text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Thankgiving Dinner

My eternal quest for a hobby

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thankgiving Dinner

Ellis, grandma Anita and I went to Aunt Susie's for Thankgiving dinner. Had to make a stop on the way at great grandma's. There were 5 paramedics and 2 ambulances at her house when we got there. She had had a spell and her cleaning lady had called the paramedics. Great grandma refused to go with the paramedics and after proving she was fine by doing a couple of laps from her bed to the living room, we were all on our way with promises to stop back with turkey on the way home.

Ellis and I combined an errand on our thankgiving outing - we hid our big chair in grandma Doe and Neil's attic. They'll have a surprise when they get home! Aunt Susie did a fabulous job on dinner - she even branched out from traditional fare (i.e. brussel sprouts) and we had harvest salad, suffering succotash, and yummy squash (as opposed to yam). I managed to make pumpkin pie (actually, I only made the filling, pastry is not my forte). Ellis slept like an angel (literally, with his legs wrapped in a blanket and his arms straight out at his side) and when we got home, he pretty much went straight to bed. Must have been the trytophan in the turkey!

Should also mention that the backup problem that Ellis had was resolved today, in a big way! Yay!


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