text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: On our Own

My eternal quest for a hobby

Saturday, October 07, 2006

On our Own

Well, we're on our own for a week - this will be a challenge. Thank goodness for neighbour Barb. She allowed us to hang out with her for the day so that Ellis and I weren't just staring at each other all day saying to ourselves "now what?" We wandered down to the library today and got Ellis a library card and a great book - Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin. I realize that I do not have a life anymore when I was describing parts of the book to my aunt and grandmother - I was laughing, they weren't. We watched Survivor in the afternoon and had a photo shoot a la ANTM. All afternoon I was dreading Fussy Time (beginning at 5 and lasting till 11) so I phoned up G. Dot and asked if I could crash Friday night dinner with her and Susie. She said of course so just as Fussy Time was beginning, I packed Ellis in the car seat and off we went. This was new - going out at Fussy Time. I've decided we have to do this every night. Ellis stayed calm almost the entire time we were out. Darn, he must take after his dad - he doesn't like to stay at boring home for dinner, he wants to go out. I nursed him a bit at the restaurant and then he just sat on my lap and looked around. Later we went shopping with Aunty Susie and he just slept. He got a tad fussy when we got home, but it was already 9 so we managed to cope with each other till 11 when he went to sleep in his co-sleeper. Hurray. This week may be ok.


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