text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Uh Oh

My eternal quest for a hobby

Monday, December 11, 2006

Uh Oh

The slippery slope of not bothering to update the blog has begun. I'll blame it on the Christmas season. I'll also blame it on Cyp going away again. Little guy and I managed to make it through the week without Cyp - thanks to many supportive friends - especially NB and thanks to the fact that Lil guy likes to go for walks. We went to our first Chinese wedding banquet on the weekend. It was loads of fun. Just as Ellis started to get bored, the server would plunk another dish down in front of us and he'd get very excited again. I think he's going to want to eat before 6 months. He didn't seem to be bothered by the crowd this time - last week was Edie's memorial and he kept me in my parent's room the entire time as when I tried to take him out, he'd scream his head off. It was too bad as I kinda missed the talks, although I did manage to leave Ellis on the bed for about 10 minutes while I gave my talk. It was hard, but I did it. Ellis is starting to be grabby. He actually held a spoon at said banquet and wave it around and he's started to grab at me and clothing I'm wearing when he is nursing. He tends to pinch - ouch! Oh and we got a new car - very exciting, now we won't be as trapped. Had to say goodbye to old car - it went to the scrap yard. Sad I forgot the camera.

Friends from afar are arriving this week for the holidays - we are super excited!


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