text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: November 2006

My eternal quest for a hobby

Monday, November 27, 2006


Lots of it! Ellis woke up this morning and looked out the window and then did a double take and looked back at the room he was in to make sure he was in the same house. Yup. I think it was all a bit overwhelming and the little guy went back to bed.
Dad is having a snow day and staying at home - everything is closed including work - yay! Of course having dad home, I have to pretend I actually do things during the day and not just play, so I've been sweeiping and tidying. When Ellis wakes up, maybe we'll trek out into the snow to find dinner.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why no Blogging? Bad Week and Bad Doctor

Yes, Ellis, Cyp and I had a bad week. It started out good - Ellis and I managed to be awake and quite alert for a library storytime that actually took place and on Tuesday we got to meet Esther and Danica for lunch. I even managed to take the camera in, but it turns out it was not broken - just a faulty battery. Of course when Ellis and I got home again, it didn't work again - maybe that was the start of things going downhill. On Wednesday we met up with Tracey and Emilie and their mommy friends at the aquarium. That was pretty fun too. Then we had our pediatrician appointment to check out Ellis's vision. That's when things went to hell.
It started out ok - Ellis was smiling more and he could track a blue pepsi can and his physical turned out ok (all reflexes worked - yay!) but then the doctor mentioned that his right eye seemed to be crossing, which was worth an eye checkup with the specialist. Then the pediatrician started asking alarming questions, mainly had I or Cyp ever shaken Ellis! He then told me that Ellis would have to see another pediatrician at Children's Hospital where they would ask me similar questions and also see an ophthalmologist. Thursday morning I got a phone message from the ped dr. stating that Ellis and I had an appointment with the Child Protection Agency! I was not feeling very good at this point to say the least. Neighbour Barb, who had much better things to do, offered to come to the hospital with me, and I'm very glad she did. I felt like the big criminal at the hospital - we went to see the eye dr. first who seemed very nice and who told me that Ellis had perfect vision. I managed to get the question "is there any way you can tell that Ellis has not been shaken?" to which he replied no, but he did note that it was a concern from the letter sent by the ped. dr. I then got paged to take Ellis to radiology where he had a CT scan. They were going to give him a general anaesthetic, but I managed to get him to sleep. It was truly awful. The next day on Friday, Cyp and I had a trial with yet another doctor, a social worker from the ministry and someone else (not sure who the third person was). They basically told me that they opened up the clinic to see us as if we hadn't gotten through all the tests by the weekend, the ministry of children's affairs could have taken Ellis from us for the weekend. This is all because of my crazy family dr. She's a freak! We passed our trial and got to keep the little guy. I will be writing a letter to my family doctor as she is the one who initiated the whole trial. It's also time to find a new doctor.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Car Testing

So little guy went test driving yesterday (actually, he just got held by the old grandparents while Cyp and I test drove). We are no closer on a decision for a car, but I think I decided I do not like the new civic. I did like the Mazda 3 hatchback, but it is not very safe. Sigh, will we ever decide? I will have to go testdriving this week as much as possible and maybe a broker can find us a car.

I tried to put Ellis to sleep in his crib last night. We put him to sleep first at around 8. At 9:30, I tried to go to sleep, but he instantly woke up and started booting me and squirming and uh uh uhing. So I tried to nurse him back to sleep, but as soon as I rolled over to get comfortable, he would wake up and start booting me again. So I said to myself, Ok! I want to sleep so you're going in the crib. So I got out, and rocked him and he got more and more wound up, so I tried nursing again and I tried to get Cyp to rock him. Then I took him into crib room and tried to rock him to sleep, but he just got more and more wound up - started shrieking. Cyp said, can we try this on Thursday (hmm, his night out). I got fed up and took Ellis back to bed (by this time it was about 11:30) and we both crashed, Ellis had the old glint in his eye again. Yes, he won this round.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Roots of Empathy

So friend Sue told me I should sign Ellis up for the Roots of Empathy program if I could, so I did. Today was our first day of school. We managed to make it out the door by 8:30 and got downtown (on the bus in the horrible rain) by 9ish. We were a tad early so we killed time by looking at kid art on the school walls. Ellis got welcomed into the grade 3 class by a welcome song (couldn't get it out of my head for a while, but now I've seem to have forgotten). He was placed on the Roots of Empathy mat and the kids got to ask questions - the boys seemed more interested! Ellis was well behaved, but no smiles - he lay on the mat, drooled and looked with great interest at all the little kids who were singing "twinkle, twinkle little star," and "OMC, we all are family" He didn't smile (I assured them that he wasn't much of a smiler - but that he was very happy to be there). Ellis stayed content the whole time (about 30 minutes) and then we left to the sounds of the good-bye song. I only had 4 refrains to get out of the room and as usual I had piles of crap to carry along - me, Ellis, bjorn, bjorn cover, umbrella, mits, jacket, bag... Fortunately, helper mom helped me. It was an interesting morning out - one month and we'll be back!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Now the Car has Died

So we can't get our camera fixed either. Hence no pics for the blog - although perhaps I could steal one from flickr. Done. Noticed that Ellis has picked the inside of his ear raw this morning. Poor guy - I will ask the community health nurse today. I sure hope it's not an ear infection (am I negligent for not rushing him to the doctor immediately?). Yesterday was a very stormy day - NB and I ran errands in the hood in the morning and got a tad wet. News that night said it was a very unusual storm for November to say the least - lots of trees down. It was a banner day yesterday - Ellis actually laughed. You'll note he sports the bib look now.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dad's Away and All Goes to Pot

I can't even remember what day Cyp left - Tuesday I think and it's now Friday. Ellis and I just try to make it through the day without keeling over from exhaustion. For some reason, he's still sleeping this morning (it's 11 am). Yesterday was a marathon of a day. We got up, did two loads of laundry, took the car in, brought the car home, baked a chocolate cake from scratch, went to our drop in, went for coffee, went shopping, came home, scarfed dinner, iced a cake, went shopping again...

At 7:30 Ellis had had enough and he lost it big time (poor guy has a cold and is teething, I think). Our house looked like a chocolate bomb had gone off so I went next door and gave a shrieking Ellis to NB (whose birthday it was). She mercifully took the little guy and he went almost instantly to sleep. Managed to watch most of survivor while NB held Ellis and talked on the phone. Waited for Grandma to come over at 10 (to try on a hat she had bought for Ellis - didn't fit) and then we both crashed. This is probably why he is still asleep. I've gotten lots done again this morning!

Walked home from Wednesday class on Wed - that was a long walk! Also went for a walk with our new found neighbours on the other side - Anna Maria and Francesca (who is 6 weeks old tomorrow). Babies are great helpers in the friends department!

Daddy's home tonight - hooray, my wrist is just about ready to quit working all together, Ellis was a hefty 16 and a half pounds yesterday at drop in.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Edie Talk

I was thinking that I could do a talk at Edie's do. So I'd better get to work if it's going to happen.

Edie from her granddaughter's perspective

Edie was a great grandmother (as opposed to a great great grandmother, which is how she referred to herself after Emilie and Ellis were born). Why was she great? She had that quality that every great grandmother has - she spoiled Tracey and me rotten. When we lived in Colombia from 1978 to 1982, we used to come home in the summers - at the end of the summer, Edie would always take us back to Colombia shopping - this made the end of summer/back to school days not as bad as they otherwise would have been. Edie basically bought us anything we wanted - I think she got a lot of pleasure from seeing our very happy faces.

She spoiled us in a very fair way - whenever one of us got something from Edie, the other got something of equal value. Often we got the same thing, just in different colours - Tracey got blue, I got red. This continued to her departing wishes - there was a little blue and green trivet in the den that Edie had labelled Tracey on the underside and there was a red and brown trivet in the kitchen labelled Renee. These colour schemes have basically stuck with us for life. I think this fair way of doing things has been passed along to our dad Neil - whenever dad helps either of us out, he will set aside an equal amount of money to help the other sibling out too. This fairness has really influenced Tracey's and my relationship. We don't fight over things and neither of us harbour any feelings of jealousy towards each other- this is unusual in siblings as far as I know.

The other great grandma quality about Edie was that she never changed - kids like stability and constancy and if Edie was one thing, she was that - I've seen pictures of her when Tracey was a baby and her hair was the same. Her house was also the same - I will have very fond memories of sitting out on her patio in the summer have a cool drink in a metal cup. If the world was changing at a scary pace, at least you could rely on the fact that things were the same at Papa Jim's and Edie's house - it was very reassuring.

The other great thing about Edie was that she was a bit of a character. All my friends loved Edie and I think Edie liked being the star (just a little bit). She was always very put together (even at 93) and as Cyp says, she was also a bit quirky (she was of course, a scorpio). Cyp reminds me of the time she decided that our family would make a great circus family - she got up and did a little speech about each of our qualities that would make us the ideal travelling circus family (and no - it was not that we were all circus freaks). Unfortunately, I can't remember the qualities, and looking at us all now, I can't see a family that is less suited for the circus, but I do recall her spirited presentation was very convincing. Edie was a character and a great grandmother and I know both Tracey and I will miss her.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

and Now I can't Sleep

I keep thinking about Edie and Papa Jim and how we used to hang out on their patio in the summer or in their living room in the winter and it makes me sad that this will just be a memory from now on. Plus my nose is plugged from cold and that makes sleeping harder. Plus, Ellis is a bed hog like his dad. I should really be sleeping as Ellis is no longer nap boy. There is far too much excitement going on to sleep - come on! He's really discovered his hands and with this comes the awareness that I'm a separate person that can go to a different room, which seems to annoy him and he screams till I come back and watch him play. I try to tell him that I used to be able to entertain myself, but this doesn't seem to work. He's also learning new louder screams. One cute thing is that his free hand tends to stroke my back when he's nursing. It's very comforting. I saw Susan and Dominic yesterday - Dominic is very advanced - his latest thing is sticking out his lower lip to pout - I hadn't realized that this is a learned behaviour (I'm not sure when Ellis started doing it - I had just assumed he'd done it all along) until Susan mentioned that Dominic had just started this tactic. It is very cute. Dominic smiles a lot - I keep pointing this out to Ellis. Actually, Ellis was Mr. Smiley yesterday in our classs and did seem quite interested in Dominic.

I think I'm going to find a new baby carrier this morning - Baby Bjorn is back killer and Ellis does not seem to tolerate the sling as much anymore - his little feet do the uh, uh, uh thing - pushing to get out.