text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Day 4 - London to Venice

My eternal quest for a hobby

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 4 - London to Venice

Woke up at 7 ­ Ellis protested mightily and headed out. Once outside Ellis
was ecstatic and was bouncing up and down in his pack shouting out "good
morning!" to everyone ­ what did we do to deserve him?! Got on the tube ­
felt even more like the movie Brazil this time ­ all these people in black
suits and pink ties were steadily streaming up the very steep and looong
escalators. It was a completely different crowd from on the weekends.
Everyone looked at tad grumpy. We got to Liverpool Street Station to catch
the fast train to Stanstead airport and we experienced an Air Canada moment
where Cyp waited what seemed like an eternity to find out if we needed a
ticket for Ellis (we didn't). I pointed out to Cyp that I think we were in
a pretty famous station (hadn't really noticed before that), One hour train
ride later we got to Stanstead where more hordes of British were heading out
on their hollies. We learned that you don't get a predesignated seat on
Ryanair and that the lines to get on the plane can sometimes get nasty. Of
course, being Canadian we got ourselves to the front of the line right away
and tried to establish line etiquette ­ seemed to work, no fighting much to
Cyp's chagrin (he's good at squirming his way through the masses). Sat on
the runway for an hour, but after the flight from Vancouver, this one still
seemed short and Ellis slept again (hooray). An hour busride from Treviso
got us to Venice and our very nice apartment room with our own little garden
(and playpen for Ellis which he is currently in ­ protesting slightly) for
145 Euros, which seems like it might be quite reasonable for Venice. It's
not in an old funky building on a canal, but it's very close to the train
and bus station so easy to haul our stuff too so we're pretty happy. We're
staying two more nights as Venice is quite cool.
We unloaded and went out ­ wandered and found ourselves at a gelato place,
so got some then found ourselves at the grand canal so hopped on a Vaparetto
­ went to Saint Mark's Square and was astounded ­ TV does not do it justice,
wandered around a bit feeling a tad overwhelmed and then took the boat back
to our place ­ Ellis slept the entire time in his pack. Poor putud. Then we
headed out to dinner at the university district, which we were told was
cheaper ­ went to La Profetta, had two beer, pizza, salad and spaghetti for
30 euros which we're told is reasonable. Headed back to our room and
crashed. Ellis woke up at 5 am and wouldn't go back to sleep ­ I would be
tempted to say jet lag except that's his favourite hour every day ­ we
finally fell asleep around 6 and slept till 9:15 where I woke up in a panic
as breakfast only went till 10! This time I hauled a protesting Cyp and
Ellis out of bed as I ran around saying ­ "Go go go!!! I want breakfast!"


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