text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Day Two of My Newly Revised Blog

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Day Two of My Newly Revised Blog

So Ellis seemed much better today after having shots yesterday. He had a good nap - although maybe it's just sleeping in. He slept from 6 am till 10:30. At which point I started going into his room and opening the curtains in the hopes that he'd get up cause really, we have to get on with our day. As he was kinda smelly, I decided to give him a bath. He's started sucking on everything in the nearby vicinity, which is usually his hands and arms so they tend to smell like sour milk. He also gets milk all over his face and then likes to rub his face all over my shirt, so I end up stinking too. While I'm getting things ready for the bath, I stick him in the baby bath (dry) as it is a good baby holder. He chose to poop at that point, so it really was quite necessary for the bath.

He didn't manage to roll over today after his bath (he did this the last two days). Maybe his legs still feel kinda woogy from the shots. We headed out to our postpartum class and saw Andrea and Madeleine (Madeleine looks less like Ellis now and more like her mom) and Tannis and Caina (sp?). The topic today was breast feeding and as we went round the room and everyone talked about their issues/problems, I realized how lucky Ellis and I are as we've not had to many problems so far - touch wood.

Then we went shopping, where he screamed his head off, so I nursed him in the car and continued on and then it was home for dinner. Dad tried to give him a bottle tonight and he might have taken some - but not enough! We're going to have to work on it some more. He was not happy with the bottle situation - I think he's more aware and realizes that it is not mom.


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