text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Our Second Trip on the Bus

My eternal quest for a hobby

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Our Second Trip on the Bus

Today we took our second trip downtown on the bus to open Ellis's RESP account. You never know, Ellis might choose to go to post secondary school someday and I hope this will enable him to afford it. If he doesn't want to go he doesn't have to. I'm slighly ambivalent about university these days. Sure it helped me, but I wonder how my life might have been different if I'd taken a few years off university - but then, I'd never have met Ellis's dad or had Ellis, so I guess university is ok.

I think he's going to be a musician though (I'm not one of those parents to put undo pressure on my kid :))

Of course, he got lots of attention on the bus and he was very well behaved (when the bus was moving). Unfortunately, I was on a slow trolley bus, so there were lots of stops - it was slightly tense - would he break out screaming? He didn't - we made it and he fell asleep fof the entire account opening process. We also saw Aunty Nancy and Aunty Lisa on the same trip. They were both amazed at how much Ellis had grown in two weeks.

We went to mom and baby drop in today too and got to see some of our new friends. Ellis started screaming half way through (actually when it got kinda quiet). I tried to nurse him and that just made him mad mad mad. Today's topic was a round table discussion on how one's life changes with a baby, and the difficulties etc. At that point I piped up and said - "well, I can't tell the difference in my babies cries - they all seem like hunger to me and I'm starting to feel like a bad mom as everybody asks me if I can tell the difference yet and then look slightly horrified when I say I can't". At which point the community health nurse said it was a lot of hooey that babies have different cries - that is apparently a myth, but she said, moms do learn to pick up on cues eventually. I had figured out at this point that Ellis was tired and he wanted me to pick him up and rock him to sleep. I also figured out another cue - pushing me away means he's not hungry.

Today he was very interested in the computer and I think he even recognized his picture on the computer!


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