text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: So I found my hobby

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

So I found my hobby

I'm not sure if he'll appreciate being called a hobby though, I had a kid 2 months ago. Even though he may not like being called a hobby, he is the best one ever and I know I'll never get bored with this hobby!

It's taken me a while to decide if I wanted to blog about Ellis, but I was reading my friend's blog yesterday that documents her daughter's life and realized how wonderful her blog is. I've been keeping a journal so I will try to go back and document what has happened in the first two months, but I'm not sure if I will ever be able to catch up. Every day is jam packed with events and firsts that are worth documenting.

Yesterday (Oct 3rd), Ellis got his first shots. We walked to the doctor's office (she's moved even closer, which is great). We managed to get ready and out the door by 10:15 which is a minor miracle. It was another gorgeous fall day and Ellis poked his head out of the sling and was looking around the whole way there.

I hadn't been too worried about his shots although I've been told by many that it is a very traumatic event. It went down like this - he was pretty happy, there were lots of black instruments hanging on the wall that were very interesting to Ellis, however, when it happened, I was nursing him. The doctor swabbed his leg with alcohol and he started to protest (I guess it stung a bit on his dry skin and I started to think, uh oh, if that was bad...). She then stabbed the first of four needles into his small little leg. I must say - the needle seemed ginormous in relation to his tiny (if somewhat chub) little leg. His face turned red immdiately and he let out a huge wail of protest that then turned to racking sobs. Of course, mommy started crying too and the pain and torture continued three more times. Finally we were done, I nursed him a bit more while he whimpered and I managed to compose myself before heading out. We hit the drugstore on the way home to get the baby acetominophen and then went home to recover. It was not a very good day. Ellis managed to sleep for a couple of hours but then woke up and nothing would console him. Every time I touched either of his poor little legs (which is pretty unavoidable when trying to comfort and cuddle someone) he would cry and scream. I was finally able to give him his second dose of baby tylenol and put him in the swing (so his legs wouldn't rub anywhere) and he slept for hours. He only woke up after I had gone to choir and poor dad had two hours of screaming unconsolable baby. He wouldn't even take his bottle. Poor little guy. I managed to get him consoled when I got back from choir and we both crashed around 11. We both slept pretty well last night...


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