text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Christmas Interfered with My Weekly Posts

My eternal quest for a hobby

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Christmas Interfered with My Weekly Posts

Boy did it ever. The last time I posted was Nov 2 - yikes!

I decided it was time to start up again because I'm bored. I'm tired of watching TV - isn't that sad? I also quit my guitar lessons because I'd stopped practicing even though I was embarrasing myself on a weekly basis by not practicing.

Oh darn, I just remembered I have a Toastmasters speech on Tuesday and of course, I haven't even thought of a topic yet. Maybe I'll do a speech on blogging. There was so much stuff I was going to get done this weekend, but my sister had a baby at 4:30 am on Saturday morning and of course I dropped everything and headed up to see her and baby. She lives a ferry ride and hour drive away. Then I was stuck at her house (watching TV) and not able to do any of the things that I wanted to get done. Of course I could have written my speech, but I just remembered I had to do it now. Being a brand new aunty kinda wipes everything else out of my mind. It was a great weekend though. The baby is healthy and the labour went well (although sister said it was hell and she can't understand why people would have more than one kid - lucky for me they do, but they did take 4 years to decide this).

I was worried about her dogs and baby - she has very big dogs and they seemed none to happy about baby. She let them sniff baby and I kept worrying that they were going to eat baby. I mustn't worry so much. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Ok, that's it for now. I have to ease back into this blogging thing and I should really try to think about something to talk about on Tuesday.


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