text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Continuing the Road Trip

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Continuing the Road Trip

Well, you'll figure out that I'm not writing this anymore while on the Roadtrip. Thought I would post some post trip comments.

Wine Tasting was great - We were staying at the Vintage Plaza hotel in Portland. I highly recommend the hotel. The staff were very friendly and not once did they treat us like the Priceline Peons that we were. So - free wine from 5 to 6. Cyp and I certainly took advantage of that and pregnant friend even got to sample the San Pelligrino. Husband of friend got waylaid in Powell's (the ginormous book store)and got back at 5:55 - just in time for one glass of Merlot. I should mention that the words of the weekend were Craptastic and Ginormous. Cyp even tried crapnormous, but that one kinda fell flat.

Feeling slightly tipsy we headed off to Hubers for young Tom turkey - deelicious - how could it not be smothered in a cup of gravy. Pregnant friend got pasta - she couldn't eat meat that had been named, however, I don't think her pasta was very good, but she said it was. Hubers is also famous for its spanish coffees - more for the show of the making of them. It was quite the production. We didn't get one, but got lots of free shows and were even the recipients of a private magic show which was pretty fantastic. Unfortunately, i can't remember the magician's name.

Cyp wanted to go out that night, but we were lame and ended up going back to the hotel to sleep.

Next day Cyp got up early to go to get one of the new Playstation Portables. He lucked out and managed to get one of 3 available (it was the big US release when we were down there). Pregnant friend and I went to check out the Saturday market. The boys met us there and we continued to wander around - found a great diner for breakfast- Fullers. Sufficiently stuffed we headed to Powell's book store and Whole Foods. Then we madly walked back to the hotel to check out.

Next up was some mall with Gap maternity. More gross consumerism happened by all of us. How could we not when there was no tax and the Cdn dollar is doing so well?

Back in the car it was off to the coast. Saw the biggest Siska spruce in the USA. It was ginormous. Stopped in Cannon Beach. There was an amazing downpour. We got out to play and got soaked. The downpour and tides had created a really cool effect at the shoreline. Whole chunks of sand were breaking off to create little 3 foot cliffs. As each chunk of sand broke off it would crash into the water. We stood on the shore (some of us a bit too close) and watched the fault lines form and crash for quite some time.

Next stop outlet mall (more shopping).

More to come tomorrow......


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