text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: It appears Free Cell is Winning

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, March 11, 2005

It appears Free Cell is Winning

Judging from when my last post was (an entire week ago), it seems that I am spending my lunches playing Free Cell.

That isn't quite the case. I've joined Toastmasters and we meet weekly on Tuesdays at lunch. In addition, this week we had an Executive meeting on Thursday lunch. I'm the treasurer of the group. I took on this role as we are a new group and there were a bunch or roles that needed to be filled - President, Secretary, VP PR, VP Membership. Frankly, treasurer seemed the easiest so I volunteered right away so I wouldn't get saddled with more onerous position. This may have been a tactical error because we are new, I am charged with setting up the bank account, budgeting for our charter party and generally anything to do with cash expenditures which has to be discussed thouroughly as we are new and we don't have procedures and policies in place yet. Hmm.

Also had my first prepared speech this week - The first speech is the one where you introduce yourself to the crowd. Should be easy right? You try and condense your life and beliefs into 6 minutes. It took me three written drafts which I whittled down to a few notes on index cards which I then practiced numerous times. I practiced talking to myself as I walked to work in the morning. I'm a little concerned with what the people driving over the bridge think - I know I see some cars every day (certain ones tend to stand out - particularly the new "smart cars") so I know they see me everyday. What do they think of the lone walker talking and hand gesturing to herself? One of the things I was told by our Toastmasters mentor is that this is one of the things that you will stop caring about - your quirkiness. In fact, the more quirkiness in your speech the better. I sure hope he's right otherwise the next prepared speeches I have to do are going to be very painful.

Well, anyway, I get a little reprieve - There are still a number of people that have to do their ice breaker speech before we move onto the next one.

This weekend I'm singing in my first student recital. Trying not to think about it. Fortunately, I don't have to compose anything to sing - it's all there for me already. Haven't really told anyone though. I may tell people at the very last minute so they won't be able to come (heh). Maybe it will also be my last as I really want to quit my lessons (see "Uninspired" post).

I'm also going to look at a house (see last post). I may lock myself in yet. Although, the waves of anxiety about a potential mortgage are starting to set in and I'm only going to look at a house.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger GT said...

Um, Neddie -- if you're already anxious about a mortgage, are you ready for a house? It was a bit heart-breaking to see all these professionals look at me when I told them I was taking off from work. "You can do that -- just take off? Oh, man, I could never do that, I have a mortgage..." Literally happened to me about 3 or 4 times. But my bias is showing, and I know odds are I'll get locked in some day...

Good luck on the recital; wish I could be there. You have a good voice, maybe you can commission a piece from me (but I'm not cheap, lemmetellya).

PLEASE treasure your quirkiness, those that are quirkless, that's when things get weird.


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