text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: I think I need to change my template

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I think I need to change my template

It's not very jazzy - I guess that will have to wait for another day.

I've run out of things to blog about - I'm in a rut. I get up, I go to work, I come home, eat and go to sleep. It's that time of year when I start to question what life is all about. This usually coincides with the weather starts to get nicer - I should be outside enjoying myself - out having fun! Why is this not happening? Why is life one big long routine. Actually, I haven't really been thinking that as much this year. I think my blog is keeping me going. I'm excited about learning new things.

Cyp told me a couple of years ago (when I was really depressed) that life is generally long bits or routine occassionally punctuated by bits of excitement and it was the excitement that he lived for. I should ask him if he still thinks that as his life seems like excitement after excitement these days with no routine at all. Maybe that's why he's so happy.

Going on a road trip this weekend. Very excited. Hopefully it will give me blog fodder.


At 4:35 PM, Blogger GT said...

Cyp stole that from air pilots—something like "complete boredom" interspersed with "absolute terror", or something like that.

I'm thinking that a comprimise that works for me is to have the routine/excitement dichotomy, but to keep the routine part changing every couple of years. Maybe not realistic, but I figure that the routine is kind of entertaining for about 6-12 months, and only gets really suffocating after about 24-36 months. So, a major upheaval every 24 months should keep things spicy.

Well, it's a theory. —P


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