text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: So we're in Portland

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, March 25, 2005

So we're in Portland

We left after work yesterday - around 6 pm. We made it by 1:00 which is pretty amazing considering we stopped for about an hour for dinner.

We're staying in an older hotel downtown - quite nice really. We went out for a drink in a smoky bar when we got here. Really made me appreciate smoke free Vancouver pubs and bars. Today we got up, hopped in the car in search of breakfast - didn't really see much on our initial wander downtown so hit the burbs if you can call them that here. I think we were in the Hollywood District? Not sure. Went to a place called Sam's Billiards. Pretty tasty - was going to opt for healthy oatmeal, but when she asked me what I wamted I found "Sam's Big Breakfast" come out of my mouth. I think it was a wise decision - some of the better bacon I've had. They say Canadian bacon is the best, but this was far superior that bacon I've had in a while.

Hopped in the car again and went for a drive. Drove to the zoo and then back down through Nob Hill downtown. Stopped at the Holocaust memorial - it was very effective.

Next went to the mall (of course we had to - no tax in Portland). Friend was looking for maternity Gap. Apparentally they had shut it down without updating their website. Very bad Gap. Very annoyed pregnant friend who had been especially excited as our hotel is only 2 blocks away from the mall. I ended up being the only person who bought something (the non-shopper of the group).

Next wandered over to the boardwalk by the river. Portland really is a lovely city. I'm always amazed at the different feelings that American cities evoke over Canadian ones. The buildings here seem old and the trees are mostly deciduous - they are all in the initial blooming stages, so it really is quite pretty. Portland being built in a river valley has some great views and vistas.

Walked back to the stores for one last shot at shopping - I guess we're not in shopping moods. Came back to the hotel for our afternoon siesta. There's an afternoon wine tasting in the lobby in about an hour. Yee ha.

We shall see what the night brings, but I think we're all fairly exhausted. Cyp of course is gung ho to go out, but I noticed that no sooner did his head hit the pillow for this siesta he started snoring - how does he do that!

I can't take afternoon naps - makes me totally disoriented and very grumpy.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?


At 4:31 PM, Blogger GT said...

I like Portland; I started getting all misty about it reading your blog.

I know what you mean about American vs Canadian cities—especially on the West Coast. We seem to lack a certain historic grit that the likes of Seattle, Portland have.

Have you guys gone to Powell's Bookstore yet? It's a sick, SICK place if you like books.

Hawthorne Street was a nice area—my guess is you've already gone there.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Renee said...

Yes we went to Powell's. By that time we were on Commando style tourism though - I found it a bit overwhelming.

Cyp and I decided we want to move to Portland (which is what we decide wherever we go - cause two days later when we were in Seattle, we decided we want to move there too).


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