I guess blogging is a more productive way to spend my lunch than freecell. Although, if I don't get my freecell fix, I sometimes have to stay after work for a bit so I can play.
The comment from the "Uninspired" post almost had me quitting and buying the Vespa. The waves of panic when I imagined the consequences stopped me. What about my benefits? What about my professional dues? And most importantly - what about lack of cash flow?
I realize that I'm the most free I will ever be and if I don't take a risk now I never will. I have no kids, mortgage or commitments to anyone (ok - I do have a husband - but he said he'd go too). I guess that is what alarms me the most - if I can't take a risk now - when? I contemplate buying a house on a daily basis - then I'd be locked in and wouldn't have to worry about these crazy ideas floating through my head.
I look back on my life and I usually wish that I had taken more risks yet at the same time, I feel oddly attached to most experiences I've had. If I'd taken the risks, would I have met the same friends? Would I be married to my husband? Probably not, in which case, I'm glad I didn't take the risks.
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