text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: March 2005

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Continuing the Road Trip

Well, you'll figure out that I'm not writing this anymore while on the Roadtrip. Thought I would post some post trip comments.

Wine Tasting was great - We were staying at the Vintage Plaza hotel in Portland. I highly recommend the hotel. The staff were very friendly and not once did they treat us like the Priceline Peons that we were. So - free wine from 5 to 6. Cyp and I certainly took advantage of that and pregnant friend even got to sample the San Pelligrino. Husband of friend got waylaid in Powell's (the ginormous book store)and got back at 5:55 - just in time for one glass of Merlot. I should mention that the words of the weekend were Craptastic and Ginormous. Cyp even tried crapnormous, but that one kinda fell flat.

Feeling slightly tipsy we headed off to Hubers for young Tom turkey - deelicious - how could it not be smothered in a cup of gravy. Pregnant friend got pasta - she couldn't eat meat that had been named, however, I don't think her pasta was very good, but she said it was. Hubers is also famous for its spanish coffees - more for the show of the making of them. It was quite the production. We didn't get one, but got lots of free shows and were even the recipients of a private magic show which was pretty fantastic. Unfortunately, i can't remember the magician's name.

Cyp wanted to go out that night, but we were lame and ended up going back to the hotel to sleep.

Next day Cyp got up early to go to get one of the new Playstation Portables. He lucked out and managed to get one of 3 available (it was the big US release when we were down there). Pregnant friend and I went to check out the Saturday market. The boys met us there and we continued to wander around - found a great diner for breakfast- Fullers. Sufficiently stuffed we headed to Powell's book store and Whole Foods. Then we madly walked back to the hotel to check out.

Next up was some mall with Gap maternity. More gross consumerism happened by all of us. How could we not when there was no tax and the Cdn dollar is doing so well?

Back in the car it was off to the coast. Saw the biggest Siska spruce in the USA. It was ginormous. Stopped in Cannon Beach. There was an amazing downpour. We got out to play and got soaked. The downpour and tides had created a really cool effect at the shoreline. Whole chunks of sand were breaking off to create little 3 foot cliffs. As each chunk of sand broke off it would crash into the water. We stood on the shore (some of us a bit too close) and watched the fault lines form and crash for quite some time.

Next stop outlet mall (more shopping).

More to come tomorrow......

Friday, March 25, 2005

So we're in Portland

We left after work yesterday - around 6 pm. We made it by 1:00 which is pretty amazing considering we stopped for about an hour for dinner.

We're staying in an older hotel downtown - quite nice really. We went out for a drink in a smoky bar when we got here. Really made me appreciate smoke free Vancouver pubs and bars. Today we got up, hopped in the car in search of breakfast - didn't really see much on our initial wander downtown so hit the burbs if you can call them that here. I think we were in the Hollywood District? Not sure. Went to a place called Sam's Billiards. Pretty tasty - was going to opt for healthy oatmeal, but when she asked me what I wamted I found "Sam's Big Breakfast" come out of my mouth. I think it was a wise decision - some of the better bacon I've had. They say Canadian bacon is the best, but this was far superior that bacon I've had in a while.

Hopped in the car again and went for a drive. Drove to the zoo and then back down through Nob Hill downtown. Stopped at the Holocaust memorial - it was very effective.

Next went to the mall (of course we had to - no tax in Portland). Friend was looking for maternity Gap. Apparentally they had shut it down without updating their website. Very bad Gap. Very annoyed pregnant friend who had been especially excited as our hotel is only 2 blocks away from the mall. I ended up being the only person who bought something (the non-shopper of the group).

Next wandered over to the boardwalk by the river. Portland really is a lovely city. I'm always amazed at the different feelings that American cities evoke over Canadian ones. The buildings here seem old and the trees are mostly deciduous - they are all in the initial blooming stages, so it really is quite pretty. Portland being built in a river valley has some great views and vistas.

Walked back to the stores for one last shot at shopping - I guess we're not in shopping moods. Came back to the hotel for our afternoon siesta. There's an afternoon wine tasting in the lobby in about an hour. Yee ha.

We shall see what the night brings, but I think we're all fairly exhausted. Cyp of course is gung ho to go out, but I noticed that no sooner did his head hit the pillow for this siesta he started snoring - how does he do that!

I can't take afternoon naps - makes me totally disoriented and very grumpy.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I think I need to change my template

It's not very jazzy - I guess that will have to wait for another day.

I've run out of things to blog about - I'm in a rut. I get up, I go to work, I come home, eat and go to sleep. It's that time of year when I start to question what life is all about. This usually coincides with the weather starts to get nicer - I should be outside enjoying myself - out having fun! Why is this not happening? Why is life one big long routine. Actually, I haven't really been thinking that as much this year. I think my blog is keeping me going. I'm excited about learning new things.

Cyp told me a couple of years ago (when I was really depressed) that life is generally long bits or routine occassionally punctuated by bits of excitement and it was the excitement that he lived for. I should ask him if he still thinks that as his life seems like excitement after excitement these days with no routine at all. Maybe that's why he's so happy.

Going on a road trip this weekend. Very excited. Hopefully it will give me blog fodder.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm sick and can't sleep

So I might as well try and write a story.

My Toastmasters mentor got me thinking the other day. He had mentioned that once I can become comfortable with myself that public speaking would no longer scare me and i might actually become good at it.

I've decided to speed this process along by writing an embarrassing story about myself in the hopes that I can purge it from my conciousness as something that makes me squirm.

I thought of this story as I lay on the couch feeling feverish and headachy.

I've always thought of myself as a rather healthy person and I'm always a little suprised when I do get sick. Cyp (i.e. my husband) likes to play on this and often brings up a story from when I was younger. I'm a fairly sturdy person and I always felt big in high school. To make me feel better my mom once told me that while yes I was bigger than most of my friends I was probably healthier (not the the pale sickly type) and that when I was older I would come to appreciate being healthier than thin and frail (I think she was looking quite far into the future).

I of course made the mistake of telling Cyp this story. Let me tell you about Cyp. He seems all quiet and demure on the outside. In fact he looks a little like Buddha - especially when he wanders around our apartment in my hot pink bathrobe - but wait, I digress, this is an embarrassing story about me. Yes - Cyp seems all quiet and supportive until we're out somewhere and we hear about some dread disease that is currently taking over the world (think bird flu). Then he pipes up with - but you'll be fine (meaning me) as you're gonna survive the famine. I try shushing him, but this doesn't seem to work, it just seems to encourage him and he goes on and on about this - pointing out my sturdy frame until I wan't to kill the little Buddha. I think he sees his tactics as character building.

This brings me to this story. It's one he also likes to bring up again and again even though he knows I'm embarrassed about it. The standoff usually ends with me being very upset and asking him to please please please shut up as he is making me feel bad. He eventually does only to bring it up again at a later date.

My story takes place in Turkey. A few years ago we went on a trip to Greece and Turkey. The Turkish part of the trip was mostly unplanned. I had always wanted to go to Greece and Cyp really wanted to go to Turkey (I wish we'd gone with what he wanted - Turkey was amazing, although if we had skipped Greece, I would never know what it's like and would have still been pining to go there).

Anyway, when we were in Rhodes I compromised. We could take a hydrofoil over to SouthWestern Turkey. While the two countries are only 45 minutes away by hydrofoil, getting someone to help us with our plans seemed difficult. We managed to track down a travel agent though who specialized in Turkey who eventually managed to help us. We specifically wanted to go on a sailing tour. A friend of a friend had told us about his trip and it sounded amazing. So this is what we did. The travel agent in Greece booked us on a 7 day sailcruise that left from Marmaris, travelled aroud to Fethiye and then went back. This turns out to be quite popular in this area and we probably could have just gone to Turkey and found our own boat by walking the docks, but we were very happy with how the trip ended up.

The sailboat was great. We had a little cabin down below at the stern of the boat. We mostly ended up sleeping out on the roof of the boat under the stars though as the little cabin was quite stuffy. All in all there were 15 passengers on the boat and 3 crew members. 2 German couples, a Serbian couple, an Italian couple and a French family of 5. The crew was basically a cook, a captain and a guy that seemed to do everything else left to do.

Aside from the initial panic when we thought we wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone else, the days on the boat were great. We mostly putt putted around to various bays. We did only sail one day and I was glad of that as it made me feel sick. The crew would dock the boat in a bay and we were free to swim around and look at the various ruins that seemed to be on just about every place we stopped. One day we stopped a bay that had some ruins that we could snorkel in and around - apparentely Cleopatra had taken baths there in her day. A family and their goats had partially taken over the sight.

That night Cyp didn't feel very well. I put it down to the heat and the amount of time we had spent swimming in the water. I thought briefly of the goats near where we were swimming and then didn't think anymore about it.

The next day Cyp was still not feeling the greatest, so he mainly slept on the deck of the boat. By this time we were in a new bay and there were some other ruins on the other side of the bay where we were anchored and up a hill. There was a man in a row boat ferrying people to that side of the bay, but I was feeling like a keener so decided to swim across the bay. So I did. I got to the other side and decided at that point I was not feeling so good. I attributed it to the heat and decided to jump back in the water and swim back. I got back, I was really not feeling so good so I joined Cyp at the front of the boat lying in the shade. I decided that I had gotten too much sun. I don't know why I was resisting the fact that Cyp was sick and I appeared to be getting sick (did I mention that it usually takes me longer to get to the sick stage - take my current cold for example, Cyp got it two weeks ago and I just got it now). The day progressed and I was feeling progressively more ill. I decided to go lay down in our stuffy cabin. At that point, I started barfing huge big projectile barfs. I went back up to tell Cyp, and then I went back down to barf some more. By this point, I had started to draw the attention of the other passengers.

Cyp came to take care of me - he was not as sick as me. At this point I was feeling slightly hysterical as I could not stop barfing, it was very hot and I couldn't keep any fluids down. I started to panic a bit (which is not really like me). I started moaning that I couldn't feel my legs and couldn't see (did I mention that I was hysterical). By this time, one crew member and French mom were in the stuffy cabin with me, wiping down my legs with a wet washcloth. Every two minutes I was up barfing in our little "head" Cyp still tells me how amazed he was that I could hit the toilet standing in two foot square bathroom.

Cyp was suggesting that perhaps I needed a doctor. This was one of the nights that we were to sleep out in a bay as opposed to anchored in town (I think that they had to pay to dock in town). So the boat turned around and went to anchor in town. Once anchored an ambulance came and got me. Picture it - all these pleasure boats docked in town and up pulls this ambulance which tries to go on the dock to get me. Eventually, I walk over to it. It then drove me about 2 feet to the doctors office.

It was now dark out - I'm not sure what time it really was. I'm grateful that the ambulance didn't have a siren. The doctor was amazing. I got all these drugs that I'd never heard of back home. Cyp and he talked about the state of affairs in Turkey at the time - their economy was fast deteriorating and this was about a month before 9/11. I listened half heartedly while I waited to see if my anti-barf shot would work. The boat's crew came to visit to see if I was ok. They were all jammed into the Doctor's office looking at me intently to see if I would live.

I next went to the clinic where I got an IV. I really got the most amazing service. I think I was the only one in the clinic. Probably no one else could afford it. It was more like a cot in a room, but the IV seemed to do the trick. The ambulance then drove me back to the boat. I think it was this point that Cyp got a call from the friend of the friend who had also taken the boat trip in Turkey. He was chatting away with Cyp about his trip (he didn't realize Cyp was actually in Turkey). Finally fell asleep about 2 in the morning.

The next day, I went back to the Doctor's. It was amazing how much better I felt. We paid him and picked up some pedialyte. I got some antibiotics (cyproxin) and numerous other drugs and all in all it cost a grand total of $270. Cyp continued on with the conversation he'd been having the night before until we decided it was time to head back to the boat.

Once back at the boat, the other passengers were glad to see that I was ok, but I couldn't help but see that "man that girl is hysterical' look in their eyes. I got sick the second to last day we were on the water and after that things didn't get back to quite how they were before. For one thing, I think the cook thought he had done it (and I think he did too - the only thing Cyp and I could trace it to was some gound beef stuffed peppers we had at lunch the day before - unless it was the goats being right next to our swimming spot). I could tell he felt guilty. So we all felt kinda funny. Cyp still felt sick (he didn't get an IV), I felt foolish, the cook felt guilty and the other passengers were worried (at least that is what I projected).

I have built this story up so much in mind since then. All I can think about is how nutty I got - making the boat take me to port! I'm a person that does not like attention - and this was the ultimate.

I'm not sure if writing about this has helped as I still feel squeamish.

Friday, March 11, 2005

It appears Free Cell is Winning

Judging from when my last post was (an entire week ago), it seems that I am spending my lunches playing Free Cell.

That isn't quite the case. I've joined Toastmasters and we meet weekly on Tuesdays at lunch. In addition, this week we had an Executive meeting on Thursday lunch. I'm the treasurer of the group. I took on this role as we are a new group and there were a bunch or roles that needed to be filled - President, Secretary, VP PR, VP Membership. Frankly, treasurer seemed the easiest so I volunteered right away so I wouldn't get saddled with more onerous position. This may have been a tactical error because we are new, I am charged with setting up the bank account, budgeting for our charter party and generally anything to do with cash expenditures which has to be discussed thouroughly as we are new and we don't have procedures and policies in place yet. Hmm.

Also had my first prepared speech this week - The first speech is the one where you introduce yourself to the crowd. Should be easy right? You try and condense your life and beliefs into 6 minutes. It took me three written drafts which I whittled down to a few notes on index cards which I then practiced numerous times. I practiced talking to myself as I walked to work in the morning. I'm a little concerned with what the people driving over the bridge think - I know I see some cars every day (certain ones tend to stand out - particularly the new "smart cars") so I know they see me everyday. What do they think of the lone walker talking and hand gesturing to herself? One of the things I was told by our Toastmasters mentor is that this is one of the things that you will stop caring about - your quirkiness. In fact, the more quirkiness in your speech the better. I sure hope he's right otherwise the next prepared speeches I have to do are going to be very painful.

Well, anyway, I get a little reprieve - There are still a number of people that have to do their ice breaker speech before we move onto the next one.

This weekend I'm singing in my first student recital. Trying not to think about it. Fortunately, I don't have to compose anything to sing - it's all there for me already. Haven't really told anyone though. I may tell people at the very last minute so they won't be able to come (heh). Maybe it will also be my last as I really want to quit my lessons (see "Uninspired" post).

I'm also going to look at a house (see last post). I may lock myself in yet. Although, the waves of anxiety about a potential mortgage are starting to set in and I'm only going to look at a house.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


I guess blogging is a more productive way to spend my lunch than freecell. Although, if I don't get my freecell fix, I sometimes have to stay after work for a bit so I can play.

The comment from the "Uninspired" post almost had me quitting and buying the Vespa. The waves of panic when I imagined the consequences stopped me. What about my benefits? What about my professional dues? And most importantly - what about lack of cash flow?

I realize that I'm the most free I will ever be and if I don't take a risk now I never will. I have no kids, mortgage or commitments to anyone (ok - I do have a husband - but he said he'd go too). I guess that is what alarms me the most - if I can't take a risk now - when? I contemplate buying a house on a daily basis - then I'd be locked in and wouldn't have to worry about these crazy ideas floating through my head.

I look back on my life and I usually wish that I had taken more risks yet at the same time, I feel oddly attached to most experiences I've had. If I'd taken the risks, would I have met the same friends? Would I be married to my husband? Probably not, in which case, I'm glad I didn't take the risks.