text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: A Lot has been Happening

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, February 09, 2007

A Lot has been Happening

and I've been falling behind on my posts. Plus, I couldn't find the camera cable so couldn't get pics onto the computer - so now I'm using the card reader. On Monday we went to the new Costco with NB - it was dead! I was carting Ellis in the Mei Tei (he was sleeping) but he eventually woke up after about an hour (we were perusing all the isles) so we stuck him in the cart (I love cart - it's kinda like stroller). Ellis loved the cart and more adventurous NB took him for a ride in the parking lot of Costco - Ellis was hanging on for dear life as she spun round in circles. We were laughing hilarioulsy. About half way home in the car Ellis started squealing - he'd finally realized he liked the cart too. That afternoon we headed out to the pool to go swimming. Second time swimming was less scary for me. Ellis kicked his chub legs for about 45 min., chatted up the lifeguards and drank half the pool. He felt kinda sloshy when we finally took him out. That night, he could barely stand on his two little legs pretty much fell asleep on his own at 8 and slept a long time! For the life of me I can't remember what we did Tuesday (this is why I should update the Blog more often) but on Wednesday we got up at the crack of dawn so we could go to aquafit at the pool. Ellis looked at me as we were leaving the house at 7:30 - "where the heck are we going - I'm still in my sleepy clothes!" He was quite happy to see the pool again - he didn't kick as much this time and didn't drink the water. Hence, he wasn't quite as sleepy on Wednesday, even after having a busy day of store and Aquarium. Oh! Just remembered what we did on Tuesday - we went to the Bloedel Conservatory at QE Park with Sharon, Imogen and Genevieve. It was great - lots of big birds to see (Ellis stuck his hand in a pile of bird crap - hasn't seem to have gotten bird flu yet). Thanks Sharon for the pics as I forgot the camera again. Thursday started out with a cleaning frenzy as the ants are back. Of course, I mopped the floors only to have Stanley take a crap right in the middle of the hall - he either has worms from neighbour Molly or he's protesting his new cat litter. I should take him to the vet as he probably has worms which means that Ellis probably has worms. Sigh. Later we went to signing class and drop in. Drop in was great (or should I say post drop in coffee was great) as it was a beautiful day and we sat outside for about an hour. Feels like spring. Swung by the market on the way home with Anna Maria and Francesca to pick up curry dinner and then it was home to wait for Cyp. Ellis went to bed a tad earlier last night. This weekend we start the experiment of getting Ellis to sleep on his own. It makes me sad though to think of him all alone in his crib in the electronics room. I will probably cave. According to Sue it will take three nights of no sleep for parents to teach little guy to sleep. Wish us luck.


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