text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Carrots and a HORRIBLE Nightmare

My eternal quest for a hobby

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Carrots and a HORRIBLE Nightmare

Little guy had carrots last night. He's been getting quite grumpy right around dinner time the past couple of nights. Cyp and I have been shuffling him back and forth (no - you take him) until as a last resort we (ok usually Cyp) takes him for a walk. Last night I went as there was a McDonald's ice cream cone thrown in at the end of our destination. So, NB and Keith were over last night and Ellis was ramping up and he was staring so hard at our dinner that I had a brainwave. I went to the cupboard and pulled out some carrots in a jar (leftover from Tracey's baby shower, over a year ago, yes I'm a packrat too), opened them up and started to give them to Ellis. NB said "you have to try them mom" (I guess so little guy knows he's not being poisoned), so I did and they weren't as bad as I thought. I don't think I needed to try them though as little guy pretty much grabbed the spoon out of my hand and started mowing down on them right away. As I fed him I had kinda a sinking feeling as I realized that my relatively easy life is going to be a lot harder now. I'm now going to have to figure out what he wants to eat everyday and if I thought I had laundry issues before, I realized I had been seriously deluded as I started at his carrot incrusted sleeper that I had just put him in. Cyp was looking a little carrot incrusted too. I also realized that perhaps that is why he keeps getting grumpy these days when I'm out to eat. He wants to eat!

Part 2

So I had a horrible nightmare this morning and it was toooooo real. I was drawing the bath for little guy and I put him in it and then I went to sort my and Cyp's change (a slight obsession of mine). I suddenly realized what I had done and I ran back to the bathroom in a panic and there he was in a bucket, water over his face with his eyes closed. I hauled him out, turned him over, his eyes opened and I woke up instantly and felt sick sick sick. I still feel sick when I think about it. I started to think about it - I went to work yesterday and told them I'd be back in twelve months (as opposed to ten, which is what I had originally indicated). I think my subconscious is telling me that I'm abandonning little guy for money, but I'll tell you subconscious, that was not a very nice way to bring up that issue with me.


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