text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: I Caved

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, February 02, 2007

I Caved

and got a stroller - my back made me do it. Ellis was up to 20 pounds this week and I found that I just couldn't go for long enough walks anymore. Kids certainly turn you into consumers - a new car, toys and other bits of plastic crap and now the stroller. I really needed that stroller though. At least I can do some grocery shopping without the car now. Ellis doesn't particularly like it - he tries to get out of it just like he tries to get out of his car seat, by jerking his whole butt upwards and flinging himself with all his might. Great for the abdominals I'm sure. I was over at Susan's for tea yesterday and she put Dominic down for his nap by holding him tightly and saying "shhhhhh"for about two minutes and he was gone. I was flabbergasted. So I tried it with Ellis last night and it worked. So of course I tried it again tonight, but he wasn't having it. He flailed and wailed, coughed and screamed. I was secretly saying to myself, I'm going to win, but then he started shoving his whole entire hand in his mouth and made himself barf. It was quite the feat - all this white frothy, snotty stuff came pouring out his mouth and onto me so I went into the bathroom and asked Cyp to get me a cloth and Ellis immediately stopped crying once he was in the light and looked quite pleased with himself. This led to a fight between me and Cyp - why can't I just go to bed with Ellis like usual and I stated that I wanted to stay up past 7 some I could do my own thing. So Ellis is now in the Exersaucer and I'm doing my own thing. Cyp was trying to watch TV but couldn't as Ellis was fussing in his saucer. Rascal.
Shall I give in again - probably will as eventually it will be my bedtime too.


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