text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Can't Sleep (again)

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, January 12, 2007

Can't Sleep (again)

Yup - it's 4:30 am and I can't sleep. Ellis is doing fine (actually, he's not really - he's cutting two new teeth and I think screamed louder than ever last night, plus I think he's been waking up every hour the past couple of nights - he has managed to get back to sleep this morning, but I have not). I think we're going to have to kick him out of our bed, but the thought of the pain we will have to go through to do so prevents me from starting the whole process. Plus, now we have the teeth issue - my dental hygenist aunt told me she had never seen teeth decay in an infant that was the result of night time nursing, but our friend Susan said she knew of a baby that developed a tooth abscess (sp?). I am not looking forward to cutting Ellis off. Maybe I'll have to placate him with food. On that front, he weighed 19 pounds 6 ounces and was 67 cm long yesterday at drop in. He is no longer rocketing up in the weight department. I think I'm getting a new baby carrier (that goes on the back) and I'm also thinking about the jogging stroller again, but I borrowed my sister's last week for a little spin (felt like I was having a heart attack after 4 blocks) and it took over the little room that we had left in our apartment. So maybe not. Going to go surf now to look at them again.


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