text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: umm - yes it's been a while

My eternal quest for a hobby

Thursday, September 29, 2005

umm - yes it's been a while

Well, you know summer happened and there was a lot of hobby questing going on.

I've decided I'm going to be a sailor. I love it. So the goal for next summer is to buy a sailboat and take it out on weekend jaunts. We'll see if it happens.

In between wistfully dreaming about next summer and working, I spend my time panicking about how I'm getting old. I got my haircut yesterday and much to my horror, I notieced that I have a huge patch of grey hair. It is in a rather conspicous spot - I look a little like Elvira.

This combined with the fact that my friend (who recently became a mother) has been on my case to get pregnant as I'm getting old and life is passing me by is leading me rapidly towards a nervous breakdown.

I am obsessed these days with the passage of time. OBSESSED!

So while I am dreaming about my sailboat, I am also thinking about that kid I should be having (which would defintely kill the sailboat plans for a while). Then I start to look at everyone around me that have kids and I see how they have no life of their own anymore and then I'm resolved to not having a kid but then I think how I only have one life to live and it's rapidly flying by and then I think - yes kid. Well you can see the viscous cycle i am in.

Any helpful comments out there? Or is everyone too busy with their kid?


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