text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: So we went to San Pedro on the Lake

My eternal quest for a hobby

Thursday, April 21, 2005

So we went to San Pedro on the Lake

o we went to San Pedro on the lake. We ended up taking the roundabout
route by mistake. Stopped in every little town on the way which turned
out to be quite interesting , they were very beautiful little spots.
Finally got to San Pedro and got out. Wandered down the street a ways,
went to a small beach. There was a girl there that wanted us to take
her picture. She had been swimming and didn´t have anything on except
a towel. I was a little paranoid and said no thanks, don´t want to.
She seemed highly offended. Went back to the boat dock and had food at
Nick´s. A little worried as after we sat down we noticed that everyone
else was at the restaurant across the street. hmm. Food was very
cheap. Full chicken dinner for $3. Rum and coke for $0.80. Very strong
rum and coke, of course i had to get another, asked for a weaker one
but didn´t seem to get it. I guess rum is cheaper than coke. Was
slightly worried about them getting us drunk to rob us but didn´t
happen. Bought some carrot bread from a local and then got chewed out
by another little girl who accused us as having earlier told her that
we would buy it from her. Gaby tells us that this is a common
strategy. It was kinda a weird little town. We hightailed it back to
the boat and out of there.

Tonight should be another rousing game of settlers....


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