text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Where next

My eternal quest for a hobby

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Where next

So after getting thoroughly soaked at the beach, we decided to drive to Astoria (about 20 miles away) where we were staying. On our way, we drove by Seaside and horrors of horrors an outlet mall has sprung up since the last time I was down that way. Of course we stopped. Got some running gear for cheap cheap. It's no wonder the world's ecosystems are dying. Sigh
By the time we got out of the outlet mall it was dark and we were still wet and I had to pee (I'd had to pee since the Sitka Spruce). Pregnant friend had used the Johnny on the Spots at the Sitka Spruce but her description of them made me decide to hold it. Driving into Astoria from Seaside way, we went over a low long bridge and entered a traffic circle (traffic circle in a town of 10,000) and continued on a bit. We could see our hotel on the left so I decided to turn left. Pregnant friend in the back of the car was noting the the road signs and stating things like "Llaco, Washington - what's that?" I ignored her and proceeded to turn left. Next thing I know we're on a bridge. And not just any bridge. The longest continuous three-span through truss in the world http://www.oldoregon.com/Pages/AstoriaBridge.html and we're heading out of oregon and into Washington. That was a very long detour - I'm just glad they removed the toll in 1993.

Finally made it to our motel and after unpacking headed to dinner. Of course Cyp wanted to go out again but we were lame again and went back to the motel. We did stop at the local gas station though and picked up some beer - must say, the gas station did see to be the most hopping place in town - suppose we could have left Cyp there to drink his beer in the parking lot.

Apparently there was a minor hurricane that night - as an aside we had been watching the weather on the news and I've never seen a weathercast quite like it - the weatherperson was describing the weather like it was the end of the world. I can see Michael Moore's point about how the American media tries to terrify the American public. Anyway, Cyp did say that he hadn't heard wind like that in a long time, but I slept blissfully throught it. Woke up the next morning and dragged Cyp out for a run so he could try out his new running gear. We ran along the Columbia River. Astoria has spruced up their boardwalk and it was quite lovely. I've decided that going for a run in new towns is a really good way to see those towns.

ok - run out of steam, more to come later.


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