text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: Now we're in Antigua

My eternal quest for a hobby

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Now we're in Antigua


Cyp´s getting a haircut and I´m using the net. pretty good multitasking.

We took a cab here from Guatemala city yesterday morning. It was an
entertaining ride. We first had to go to the taxi stand so our driver
could pay to rent his cab for the day (he picked us up first because
he didn´t want to lose such a good fare). Then we were supposed to
stop for breakfast on the way (Pat, Gaby´s dad and Sam went in a
different car) but we got lost so we just drove straight to Antigua.
Finally got here and to our hotel around 11. We left Pat and the kid
and went to grab something to eat.

Wandered around the rest of the day looking at buildings what not.
This morning had breakfast and great cappucinos, went to a ruined
nunnery and now Cyp´s getting a haircut.

We´re going to meet up with Gaby and Pat again shortly (Gaby´s doing
research at the archives and Pat is back at the hotel for Sam´s nap).
Probably head out for lunch. Basically that is what we do, wander for
a bit then eat. Antigua is very lovely  'nice to wander through the

talk to ya later.


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