text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: February 2005

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, February 25, 2005


I'm feeling less inspired today. I guess I was very gung ho last week because I'd gone to see a motivational speaker. The motivation is starting to wear off. Sigh.

Talked to my guitar teacher - asked him if he has any other students that want to "Jam" (I don't think I'm at the jamming level yet, so I think I phrased it more as "do you think any other of your students would want to play with me?").

He has one other fairly new student - he might ask her, I left him to think about whether we would be compatible. Apparently she also asked to learn how to play Babylon by David Gray this week - ha ha, I already know that one.

Regarding the comment from my last entry - perhaps I should volunteer. I have commitment issues and fears. It's easy to contemplate a hobby where I'm just doing my own thing that I can pick up at will. I worry about volunteering for an organization, getting too involved and not being able to quit.

Take my voice lessons (starting in about half an hour). I started these about a year and a half ago. Someone bought me two free lessons at a silent auction - I used them (otherwise that would have been wasteful!) I continue to go because I can't really bear to tell my teacher that I'm quitting. This week he signed me up for a recital. I really really don't want to go anymore, but I can't think of a good enough excuse to quit. I am improving, I seem to be good at singing, but having a voice lesson every Friday after work really sucks.

When I think about volunteering, I think about all the other people involved - just think how many people I would have to tell I'm quitting if it doesn't work out. I have contemplated doing one on one mentoring - that seems good, but there's that whole commitment to someone issue. What if I end up not liking the person? I'm starting to get all anxious just thinking about it.

I really am narrowing down the hobby options. I might have to think hard about my commitment issues.

Watched the Motorcycle Diaries this week. Wow. It's amazing how your life path can change from one event. My partner told me this week that he wants to quit, buy Vespas, travel to South America (ok - he's an extremely paranoid person - not sure if he'll do well in South America) and learn spanish. I seriously considered it for a moment - I mean, why the heck not? What is stopping me? So I burn through my savings (I think that's what's stopping me). But really, I could do it. I don't have any commitments (see - another reason not to volunteer), and if I run out of money I can come back and get a job. I know my partner's mom would let us live with her.

I could - I could quit. But I won't. Cause I'm a chicken and I have a high corporate pain threshold (I learned that in my motivation course last week).

So, I haven't made much progress this week. Although some people have already noticed my self-confidence has improved (did I mention that I joined Toastmasters?)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Skipped a day

Is one supposed to blog on a daily basis? If so, it's a hobby in itself.

Is one supposed to respond to Blog comments? It seems rude not to somehow aknowledge them somehow. Pat - I'm going to ask my guitar teacher if he does know anyone I can jam with. I did get an offer from some street kids one day as I walked home from my lesson, but I was too chicken and didn't think I'd be good enough. They said it didn't matter, but I didn't quite believe them- they have way more practice time than me (ok, gross stereotyping and judging noted).

Also - food as a hobby - I agree both eating and gambling can be dangerous hobbies indeed.

The second day of gambling seemed to prove my theory - my attitude was generally negative (Honestly - I tried to think "I'm going to win!") and my cards sucked (yes - it was the cards, not my skill level).

I resolved myself to losing all my money and so always gave my cards a chance. My positive attitude did start to work, but then I started feeling like crap (too much poker food) so I left the table and read my book. I managed to polish off the first two books of the Traveling Pants triology. There really is something about a good teen book - it even made me cry!

Sunday I went for a run - it really stood out as one of my best runs ever. The weather was amazing - about 5 celsius and bright and sunny. I ran along some trails near the ocean. I think the lack of sleep the night before might have not helped too much, but it was still great.

I don't consider running a hobby either.

Maybe I need to consider what my criteria is for categorizing something as a hobby.

So - what are the required characteristics of my perfect hobby:

1. I gotta love it - and want to be doing it all the time (so far, it seems like Zelda Windwalker fits the bill - but you'll see that it doen't have any of the other required characteristics)

2. It must lead to a creation/tangible something or other or help to contribute to making the world a better place (I'm thinking sustainable woodworking here or making things out of garbage).

3. It would be nice if people would admire the hobby - or want to get involved in some way as a result of it.

4. it would be good if I could turn it into a job and support myself with it.

I think the main thing is that there has to be a pretty clear purpose to my hobby. I really feel it should help someone in some way.

I say this, but I don't have that strong a track record of going out of my way to be with people. I like being solitary. The hobby I'm looking for should be specifically designed for an introvert.

Ok, that's enough for now.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Day 2 - and I've already run out of things to talk about...

Day 2

Up at my sister's house - she's out of the city a bit which makes a nice weekend break.

Tried my hand at poker last night. She has friends over for a poker and whisky weekend, though I note that there wasn't a lot of whisky being consumed. The drink of choice appeared to be martinis.

So could gambling be my hobby? I don't think so - it contravenes the saving instinct I already have.

Some things I noted...

I like gambling - but only when I'm winning. So when I start out, I still believe that I going to make it big. This attitude seemed to work and I did start off winning. But then, I wanted to horde my winnings and my attitude changed with it. I stopped thinking I was going to win, all I could think about was that I was going to lose what I had gained and slowly I did and I got progressively more downcast.

I ended up about even, but resolved that I didn't want to play anymore as I didn't want to lose. I tried to look on it as "well, it was about 5 hours entertainment, so really, I'm just paying for that" (which is what the other losers were consoling themselves with) but it didn't really work. I'll see what happens if we play again tonight, which I'm reluctant to do at this point. Hmm.

Dragged my guitar along with me this weekend - still trying the music thing. Basically it's just looking at me and making me feel guilty at this point. Hmm.

Brought some books - teen books really - the Travelling Pants which seems to be in the stores right now. I really want to read them and that's what my passion seems to be about - but come on, reading is not a hobby (as stated in day 1).

Ok, seems like people are started to move about - looks like the day is starting, must stop writing.

Hungry - can eating be a hobby?

Friday, February 18, 2005

My Quest Goes Public

It's time to put some more effort into finding the hobby I'm passionate about or finding my uniqueness.

Although I am a homebody, I'm trying to go to as many new things as possible these days.

Some initial thoughts on hobbies:

1. Reading (not sure if it fits as I also need to feel as if I'm accomplishing something - which I'm don't really feel I am - the author did though)
2. Music (ok - I've tried this alot and it is a current hobby, but I feel my passion for it is waning -perhaps it requires too much practice - although that shouldn't be hard if it truly is my passion)
3. Saving money (I'm good at this - but it kinda happens on its own without much effort on my part)

Others have suggested the standard I'll call them girl hobbies:

1. Photography
2. Writing

I have tried both - again, no passion yet.

I will think more and see if anything else pops into my head this weekend.