text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: March 2007

My eternal quest for a hobby

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Just a Photo Blog Today

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

On the Move

So Ellis rolled off the bed last week. I could have sworn he was smarter than that, but it turns out he's just like all other babies. Ok, I had left him precariously perched near the edge but still...
We'd had a rough morning and he took longer than usual to go to sleep at nap time. There was much rolling involved and when he finally fell asleep, his feet were close to the edge with his head pointed into the middle of the bed. I figured he'd be fine as there was still a pillow between his feet and the cliff edge. He woke up screaming after a short nap and as I walked into the room to get him I realized he was half off the bed. I ran towards him, but I was too slow. Fortunately, he'd kicked the pillow off first and he landed on it perfectly. He didn't even notice he'd falled off the bed. My adrenaline was through the roof though - not nice of Ellis to try to give his mom a heart attack. This has now prompted the move to the crib, somehow he keeps ending up in our bed though at night.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Swinging and Excitement

Friday, March 16, 2007

I don't like my stroller, but I do like the swing

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Aunts and Ants

yay for Aunts that organize ski holidays and boo for ants that take over our apartment in the early spring. I noticed that I haven't posted for a while - felt a tad guilty about this after attending a blogging dinner last Thursday. I don't even work and can't manage a single blog post a week. Maybe it's the fact that I don't work that means that I have nothing to blog about - that's a sad state of affairs. We're up and down on the sleep front - Ellis was doing well but then I keep caving and nursing him to sleep - it's no wonder the little guy is confused about this sleep thing. I think he's also getting a ton of teeth - his entire upper gum seems to be one big bump. He's 7 months today and he has four teeth. He's been trying to crawl by balancing on his tummy and pumping his arms and legs (and barking like a seal) - not too effective. He then gets grumpy so mummy brings him his toy. He likes to stand a lot and I kinda wonder if he will skip the crawling stage. Today he discovered that he could propel himself backwards on the floor. I think I need to blog more - this is a disjointed ramble. I had another dream about work - my replacement quit and I had to go back to work right away - I hadn't done anything about daycare for Ellis - a bit too real. I didn't blog about the ski trip as we all decided there was no way we could forget it - the snow conditions that is. They were so bad that we will look back with fond memories about the fun we had trying to make it down the runs in one piece. Kinda like my one and only trip to New York - at the time I couldn't understand how people could live there, but now I look back on the trip as one of the most fun I'd ever had. Ah - reminds me of Pat's comment that having kids is like traveling to third world countries (I think I'm modifying). I think he actually said it's like going on a trip where everything seems to be a constant struggle and you're always scrambling to find a place to sleep, eat or transit out - it may seem like a bit of hell at the time, but when you look back on it, you wouldn't not have done it for anything.