text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: December 2006

My eternal quest for a hobby

Friday, December 22, 2006

Someone has Found his Feet

Amazing the little guy can reach them over his muffin top. It's been a while since the last post. A lot has happened. Ellis got his second round of shots, all went well, I've almost done all my Christmas shopping (almost) and I got my regular Christmas flu. At least I got it over and done with before Christmas this year. Nothing like nursing a baby in between visits to the bathroom to barf. I came down with the flu at about 9 at night and basically told Cyp and little guy that there would be no nursing. Cyp tried to entertain a screaming Ellis as best he could but then he read that it is best to nurse when one has the flu so that the baby can get my antibodies. So I would barf and nurse. I did say at about midnight - I need apple juice so Cyp and Ellis had to go to the 24 hour store. They came back and I think Ellis and I managed to get about 2 hours sleep - Cyp got to sleep on the couch. Fun.
Second pic is of Ellis talking and walking. He likes to talk on his walks. Wish I knew what he was saying.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Cutey Pie

NB told me I should make a note of the fact that I really wanted to wake up Ellis this morning cause he looked so darned cute and I wanted to play with him. I resisted though and did laundry instead.

Cyp also made a rather loud annoucement in Toys r Us last night that Ellis has no balls - so we promptly purchased him some.

Up and Down

Ellis's moods that is. Yesterday he was his happiest ever and his grumpiest. We were out Christmas shopping and he smiled at everyone! He was babbling away as we walked down the street and was even calling out to get the pretty ladies' attention. Then 5 pm hit and so did grumpy mood. I think he wsa just overtired but refused to sleep so he screamed and screamed and nothing would work, so Cyp and I finally resorted to putting him in the swing and blasting the Mozart. It worked instantly. I'll see what today brings, but he is still sleeping.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Uh Oh

The slippery slope of not bothering to update the blog has begun. I'll blame it on the Christmas season. I'll also blame it on Cyp going away again. Little guy and I managed to make it through the week without Cyp - thanks to many supportive friends - especially NB and thanks to the fact that Lil guy likes to go for walks. We went to our first Chinese wedding banquet on the weekend. It was loads of fun. Just as Ellis started to get bored, the server would plunk another dish down in front of us and he'd get very excited again. I think he's going to want to eat before 6 months. He didn't seem to be bothered by the crowd this time - last week was Edie's memorial and he kept me in my parent's room the entire time as when I tried to take him out, he'd scream his head off. It was too bad as I kinda missed the talks, although I did manage to leave Ellis on the bed for about 10 minutes while I gave my talk. It was hard, but I did it. Ellis is starting to be grabby. He actually held a spoon at said banquet and wave it around and he's started to grab at me and clothing I'm wearing when he is nursing. He tends to pinch - ouch! Oh and we got a new car - very exciting, now we won't be as trapped. Had to say goodbye to old car - it went to the scrap yard. Sad I forgot the camera.

Friends from afar are arriving this week for the holidays - we are super excited!