text-align: center;Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker My eternal quest for a hobby: October 2005

My eternal quest for a hobby

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I forgot to mention tonights dinner

scotch pie - mighty good. Yumm

and 3 bowls of life cereal - 4 is sounding good right about now

So I decided I'm not spending enough time on my hobbies which means I'll never get better

So I quit my job today.

I've realized that hubby o mine was right - I should be a writer. I can't be a writer though with all the time I spend at work so that's it - stuff work, who needs it anyway, that's what hubby is for.

He's been travelling a lot lately and when I'm on my own so much I tend to think too much and I'll admit I get a little bored and want to stir things up. So quitting job certainly stirs things up!

I'm feeling a little apprehensive though as I'm not sure where I'm going to get my ideas from for my stories. I don't think work was too much inspiration though,

Ooops - kitties were just racing around the apartment and now I hear one of them being sick - shouldn't race on a full stomach. Most unpleasant sound - I guess I should go and investigate before i forget and accidently step in it.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Ok it's time for my weekly post

It was Thankgiving in Canada this past week and the whole darn family went to Victoria. A couple of members were already there, but those that weren't had to plane, ferry and automobile to get there (some, like hubby, all the way from New York). .

Actually, it wasn't really a celebration of Thanksgiving at all - my aunt had just decided about a month or so ago that it was time for a family trip. Thanksgiving was deemed the best weekend for it. It also turned out to be the Victoria marathon, much to my dismay. I had kinda been thinking that I should do the Victoria half, but still thought I had time to sign up - after all, it wasn't till October. I'm still believing that we're in the middle of summer.

It was a great time - Victoria certainly feels like a foreign country somehow. The weather was perfect - crisp fall days. We went to the Sooke Potholes, made famous by Nelly Furtado's quest to save them. That reminds me that I should make a donation to TLC (the land conservancy). There were some cutish boys smoking pot by the water which caused my mom to be quite alarmed. She was convinced they were going to do something crazy like jump off a cliff (pot does induce hallucinations and feelings of supernatural power you know). To me, they seemed to enjoying the outdoors and did not appear to be the young hooligans that my mom believed them to be.

We went for Chinese food that night - much to my sister's chagrin we got put at the table where the "white" food was ordered. Hubby liked it as he got to eat things he doesn't normally get to eat like fried rice and fried noodles.

Well, I could go on and on, we packed so much into the weekend including swimming in the fabulous pool of the Oxford Castles motel - one of the shwankier places I think the family has stayed, but instead I will just tell you about where we had turkey dinner. The four mile house on the road to Sooke - it was great. There were 17 of us and most of us ordered turkey dinner (14.95) and it was almost as good as mom's. We got tons of turkey and actual vegetables that were not mush! Even my sister the cook (who takes the joy out of eating out a lot of the time as she usually points out eh flaws in the food and also that she could make it better) said it was good.

So I recommend it - the restaurant was housed in a 150 year old house that was one of the highway stops. It was very cosy and our server (who may also have been the owner) was great.

Well, that's enough for this week. I will just point out that my diet is not so good when I'm on my own. Tonight I had wine, salad (ok that's not bad), pudding, neighbour B's fantastic bread pudding, movie popcorn, seven up and a chickn wrap.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

ok - weekly posts could be doable

I've decided it's overambitious posting daily entries - after all, I'm not a lady of leisure like some - (ESME). So I'm going to try to attempt weekly blogs. Unfortunately I was fairly busy this week (doing what I'm not sure) so I didn't have time to reflect/contemplate life, which means that I didn't have time to get depressed which means less grist for the mill.

Why was I busy - not sure really. We had a house guest for a few days - she's moving back to Vancouver from Toronto (of course - she only lasted two years) and spent the time doing commando style apartment and job hunting. Pretty inspiring in a way. She phoned in sick, flew across the country, found a new apartment, got a job and flew back - all in 4 days.

Now it seems the weekend is almost here.

Still trying not to watch much tv, not being too successful and trying to practice the gitar, again, I don't seem to have much stamina. For some reason, I can clean for hours but gitar - nope. A passion for cleaning - I guess most people would call that a neurosis as opposed to a passion.

Well, I really don't have much to say today so I'm signing off.